Object description
British private served with Highland Bde Training Centre in GB, 1949; officer cadet served with Royal Military Academy in Sandhurst, GB, 1950-1951; officer served with 1st Bn Gordon Highlanders in Malaya, Singapore and GB, 1952-1953
Content description
REEL 1 Background in Belfast and Berkshire, GB, 1930-1949: memories of childhood in Stormont Castle and Craigavad; family; education at Sunningdale and Eton; memories of Second World War; membership of Army Cadet Force; process of joining army; desire to join Gordon Highlanders. Aspects of period as private with Highland Bde Training Centre in GB, 1949: accommodation; story of near fire; activities undertaken inside Fort George; journey to Fort George; army haircut; relationship with fellow recruits; inoculations and learning to clean of kit; population of camp; army number; uniform issued; layout of kit for inspection; kit inspections; details of pay; rations; maintenance and cleaning of kit; further details of kit inspections; layout and cleaning of barrack room.
REEL 2 Continues: discipline; pattern and opinion of training including cleaning of rifle; visits out of camp including cinema in camp and inspections before leaving camp; question of women in camp; items available in NAAFI; further details of pay; contact with family; reason for posting to Warminster; issue of kit; details of courses undertaken at Warminster and Hythe; story of fishing in English Channel. Aspects of period as officer cadet with Royal Military Academy in Sandhurst, GB, 1950-1951: arrival at Sandhurst; accommodation and batman; details and population of college; washing facilities; pattern of training; inspections; comparison of conditions at Sandhurst and Fort George including washing of utensils at Fort George; overseas students; details of rifle; lessons and lectures; assessment during course including results; joining of Gordon Highlanders.
REEL 3 Continues: passing out parade; buying of uniform in Edinburgh including problems on arrival at Depot; details of Depot; courses undertaken at Warminster and Hythe; journey via London to Southampton. Aspects of voyage from Southampton, GB, to Singapore aboard HMT Dilwara, 1952: details of ship; armbands worn; accommodation; activities onboard; length of voyage; ports of call including duties on Suez Canal and shore leave; clothing worn; population of ship; first impressions of Singapore; reactions to posting; details of journey to Tapah. Aspects of operations as officer with 1st Bn Gordon Highlanders in Malaya and Singapore, 1952: reception on arrival; details of area and camp; posting in and make-up of A Company.
REEL 4 Continues: question of jungle warfare training and precautions against attack; life in camp including accommodation; supply of meals; officers' mess; details of patrols including contact with civilians on rubber plantations and question of families in Malaya; sources of information; activities of Communists and rubber plantation workers; further details of patrols including clearance of jungle and maps; civilian trackers; accommodation and sleeping arrangements; problems from climate including boots worn; care of feet; cleanliness; sterilisation of water; rations; wildlife in jungle; malaria precautions; dealing with leeches; contact with opposition; period in Singapore; visits to cinema; details of barracks; activities of unit and details of Singapore; leisure activities; relationship with civilians; contact with family; reason for posting to Netheravon.
REEL 5 Continues: Aspects of period as officer with 1st Bn Gordon Highlanders in GB, 1952-1953: details of flight to GB; details of 17lb anti-tank and air interpretation courses undertaken; conditions on Salisbury Plain including issue of rum; further details of air interpretation course. Aspects of voyage from Southampton, GB, to Singapore aboard HMT Dunera, 1953: teaching of Malay; reason for learning Malay; accommodation onboard; women on ship; activities onboard; ports of call. Aspects of operations as officer with 1st Bn Gordon Highlanders in Malaya and Singapore, 1953: posting at Tampin; situation in Malaya; details of camp; office and car used as intelligence officer; details of police station worked in and duties; background of police officers and community of Tampin; daily routine; work of mess boy; briefing of companies; informers; period with A Company at Ganes including evacuation of opposition dead; supply of weapons to opposition; activities of Derek Brown; terrain; details of Operation Suez; details of civilian living conditions.