Become a member and help IWM protect our world-leading collections and historically important sites for generations to come. As a thank you, enjoy a host of benefits including free entry to HMS Belfast, IWM Duxford, Churchill War Rooms – plus much more.
Our members receive
Members’ Welcome Pack and Welcome Event
Free entry to our charging sites: IWM Duxford, Churchill War Rooms and HMS Belfast
10% discount on Duxford Air Show tickets & access to members area.** Free entry to Duxford Flying Days.
10% discount in shops (online and in branch)*
Priority booking on selected events & exhibitions
Regular members’ eNews and updates
*Certain exclusions apply. Please see our membership terms and conditions. ** Access to members area is subject to availability.
Please see our Membership Frequently Asked Questions for further information.
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To book your membership tickets just add your 14-digit member number and surname to the ‘Book Member Tickets’ button on the left of the ticketing pages. Book tickets.
What our members say
Your membership helps IWM protect over 33.5 million items in our collection, funds our schools programme, and helps deliver ground-breaking exhibitions. Hear from our members about what they value about their connection to our historic sites and collections below.
Membership represents excellent value for money, and helps with the preservation of important historical artefacts, I wish I’d joined years ago.
- Joint adult member
The value is beyond the visits to the locations. The newsletters, the YouTube channel all add up to a super experience.
- Family member
Being a member enables me to support the vital work of the IWM. Remembering the sacrifices of those who've gone before is important. Understanding the futility of war is even more important if we're not to repeat the mistakes of the past. The IWM venues across the country enable the youth of today to truly understand the value of peace.
- Family member
Before visiting the IWM [branches] I used to think it would glorify war and war machinery but I realise now it tells difficult human stories of conflict, coping and endurance.
- Adult member
I love IWM, I think it’s really important to keep the stories of those impacted by war alive as we move through time. I want my young children to have access to these museums in future as World War One and World War Two will be even further down history for them.
- Family member
Enjoy great days out

Make the most of free entry to our paid sites:
Get up close to over a century of aviation at IWM Duxford. Walk through the same hangars and buildings as those who served at RAF Duxford, and see aircraft take to the skies from the airfield where Spitfires first flew.
Explore all nine decks of the iconic HMS Belfast, the most significant surviving Second World War Royal Navy warship. Discover personal stories of those who served on board and enjoy new interactive and immersive experiences deep under the Thames waterline.
Walk the top-secret corridors of Churchill War Rooms, the underground nerve centre where Britain’s leaders directed the Second World War. Find out about Churchill's remarkable 90-year life and leadership, from his lonely childhood to his military career, two periods as Prime Minister and beyond in the interactive Churchill Museum.
Stories that deserve to be heard
[Morse code tapping out "My name is Bernie Bristol"]
The thing is about communicators when you walk along a street, you can even see a car coming and you'll read the number plate and you'll go to 'do da do do', it's automatic. You get bit bored when you're retired like, you know. What is it television, you sit down, you do a bit of gardening, and you do a bit of this and that and shopping. But as I come on board you get that feeling, it's a smell of the ship, it's beautiful it brings back the old memories.
My name is Bernie Bristol and I was a leading Radio Operator on this ship. I have been coming every Friday for the last year and a half, because I've enjoyed it so much myself. You know doing what I used to do. I teach the children the basic Morse code.
Your name's Robbie!
The Morse is there but to actually do it with the public is like being back in Navy again.
I've had cards from schools to say thank you. I've had children make up Christmas cards with HMS Belfast saying how great the Morse code was. They think all this was all gone now, but it hasn't gone for the old sparkers like myself.
If they take HMS Belfast they won't get rid of me. They can get rid of me, but I'll still be here teaching I love it! Just seeing them go away happy, that's what it's all about.
IWM Volunteer Bernie served on HMS Belfast as a Radio Operator and until recently volunteered regularly on board, bringing the history of the ship to life by sharing his stories with visitors.
Volunteers make an essential contribution to IWM's work - and the support of our members helps ensure we can continue to tell these important stories for generations to come.
Other ways to support
Give a gift membership
You can purchase all membership types as a gift. Support IWM and treat the history lover in your life with our gift membership options.
IWM family membership
There's plenty for families to explore and discover across IWM branches. With IWM family membership, you'll get unlimited free entry to all of our charging sites and a range of other benefits.
© IWM D 23296
Make a donation
Make a donation to IWM and help us to tell the stories of those affected by conflict, launch our ground-breaking exhibitions and deliver our world-class learning programmes.

Further information
Get in Touch
Speak to a member of the team on 0207 091 3000 (Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm) or send us an email.
Please note that we are experiencing an unprecedented level of enquiries, but will endeavour to resolve any queries as soon as possible.