Object description
British civilian activist with peace movement, CND and Committee to Stop War in the Gulf, 1980-1991.
Content description
REEL 1: Aspects of period as peace activist in GB, 1980-1991: description of activities during Cold War, including protests against the arms trade, 1980s; opinion of Church's position on war; attitude to CND's response to siting of Cruise missiles in GB; effect of peace movement on INF Treaty; opinion of Greenham Common women; activities with Orpington branch of CND; role of END in Eastern Europe; question of peace movement's role in ending Cold War; story of visit to Ukraine and experience of radioactive pollution in Kiev; attitude to perestroika and glasnost in Soviet Union; opinion of military against nuclear war campaign and participation of Brig. Harbottle and Lord Mountbatten.
REEL 2 Continues: further comments on military against nuclear war campaign and role of Falklands veteran Commander Green; reaction to Falklands War and activities with peace movement, 1982; opinion of public reaction to Falklands War and lack of opposition from Labour Party; opinion of media coverage of Falklands War; attitude to Iran/Iraq war and western support for Saddam Hussein; reaction to invasion of Kuwait and response of West and UN, 8/1990; opinion of media coverage of Gulf War; description of activities with Committee to Stop the War in the Gulf; story of complaints from anti-Saddan Iraqis on Committee that bombing increased popular support for Saddam regime.
REEL 3 Continues: attitude to ending arms trade; opinion of Iraq's nuclear capability; attitude to economic sanctions against Iraq; opinion of UN policy towards Iraq and Israel; question of US using bribes to obtain support for Security Council Resolution 678; attitude to US influence over UN; question of US weapons contravening the Inhuman Weapons Convention, 1982; story of founding Committee to Stop the War in the Gulf and role of Bruce Kent, CND and Tony Benn; description of marches and demonstrations; aims of Committee and level of support before and during war; description of activities with Committee including lobbying MPs; comparison of Pope and Cardinal Hume's position over war; opinion of media coverage of war; relations between peace groups in GB and US; question of left-wing bias in Committee; attitude to support from Ted Heath, Labour Party and Green Party.
REEL 4 Continues: role of Jewish and Israeli anti-war groups; problem of divisions in Labour Party over Gulf War and implications for next general election; comparison of Saddam Hussein and Hitler; attitude to linking Gulf War with Palestinian problem; attitude of exiled Iraqis to US; opinion of US role in Gulf War and comparison to Vietnam; comparison of beliefs in 1939 and 1991; opinion of the Gulf Peace Team; story of winning seat on St. Mary Cray council; story of refusing to represent the Mayor at Armistice Day service; attitude to environmental issues and controls on the arms trade.
REEL 5 Continues: activities with the peace movement and Labour Party since retirement in 1985; story of being awarded the Frank Cousin's Peace Prize; story about peace activities in Hull during Second World War.