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The Southern Railway makes changes to accommodate the demands of war, not least the large increase of British troops using the rail network. Colonial troops, from the Toronto Scottish Regiment, arrive into Waterloo Station, London.
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(3 April 1940) Wooden army huts are loaded into the SS BLAIRNEVIS at Southampton Docks. Workman stand in the cargo hold, helping manoeuvre the wooden panels into position. MH32
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(11 April 1940) YMCA (Young Men's Christian Association) Canteen signs at Waterloo Station, London; "OPEN TO MEMBERS OF H.M. FORCES". Shots of emergency timetables, used to inform passengers of changes in service due to additional troop trains. Outside the "PRESS POSTERS & EMERGENCY SIGNS" building, a staircase leads down to the basement floor entrance. Exterior shot of the Canadian YMCA Information Bureau. A sign outside reads; "OPEN TO ALL FORCES – FREE INFORMATION, ACCOMODATION, ADDRESSES, TRAINS, SIGHTSEEING, ASK US ANYTHING". Service personnel form a group in front of the entrance. (53 sec) MH33
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(15 April 1940) More YMCA signs at platform 15, Waterloo Station. A mixture of military personnel and civilians are gathered together, some with young children. Information boards and timetables with piles of British military equipment, including rifles, piled out in front. A few civilians browse the timetables. MH34
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(16 April 1940) A crowd of civilians, marshalled by police, stand and watch as Canadian troops (Toronto Scottish Regiment) march into the station, destined for guard duty at Buckingham Palace. They are led onto the concourse by their marching band, playing bagpipes and wearing uniform kilts. The crowd wave as they pass through. (3 min 19 sec) MH35
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(17-20 April 1940) Directors inspecting new Waterloo and City underground stock. Platform 16 is clear as they walk, smartly dressed, towards the camera. The carry out at inspection inside the carriages, before they move onto some freight railway wagons. (4 min 14 sec) MH36
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(20 April 1940) The Toronto Scottish Regiment arriving at Waterloo Station for guard duty at Buckingham Palace. (6 min 4 sec) MH37
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(22 April 1940) Exterior shots of Victoria YMCA. Advertising for; "TOLLY ALE – LIGHT OR DARK IN ALL BARS ON THE EASTERN SECTION". Service personnel are seen entering the YMCA, a sign outside reads; "HM FORCES CENTRAL INFORMATION BUREAU – OFFICERS LOUNGE– MEN'S CANTEEN & KIT ROOM – JUST INSIDE THE STATION". Various advertisements include; "LAUGH AND GROW FIT ON BOVRIL", "NORFORLK HOTEL, BRIGHTON" and "THE FINACIAL WORLD". (7 min 5 sec) MH38
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