Object description
whole: The pamphlet is double-sided. Side 1: the three images are positioned in the right half, held within a narrow black
border, the upper left, and the lower left. The text is partially integrated and placed over the majority, in black, in black cursive
script, and in black Gothic script. All set against a white background. Side 2: five separate images occupy the majority. The text is
mainly separate and placed over the majority, in black Gothic script. All set against a white background.
image 1: on the right, a full-length depiction of a German soldier standing to attention and saluting. Behind him is a scene of a
devastated city, with damaged buildings, and rubble and barricades in the street. In the upper left, a depiction of a schoolteacher using a
broom to 'sweep away' three men - including a priest and a monarchist - from the entrance to a school. In the lower left, full-length
depictions of a group of poor farmers walking along a road, carrying scythes over their shoulders. One of the farmers raises his hat as a
car, with two overweight businessmen sitting in the back, drives past in the opposite direction.
image 2: in the upper left, a depiction of a confrontation between a group of Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands [German Communist Party]
members and a businessman. The businessman stands behind two army officers who protect him with their swords. All three stand on a pile of
dead bodies. A member of the Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands [Social Democratic Party of Germany] is shown kneeling in front of one
of the officers to lick his boots. In the lower left, a group of German soldiers shoot at a group of workers, including women and children,
on the street. Also in the lower left, a caricature of the Chairman of the SPD, Arthur Crispien, who is shown as a frog. In the upper
right, a depiction of a boxing match between a worker and a military officer. In the lower right, a caricature of a shouting member of the
SPD. Also in the lower right, a depiction of a man lying asleep in bed.
text 1: SCHULE
Hackenkreuz am Stahlhelm ...
Eltern und Lehrer, räumt die Bruttstätten der Pfaffen und Monarchisten aus!
Wählt Kommunisten!
Bauer, für die Dickköpfe arbeitest Du?
Dass muss anders werden!
Wählt Kommunisten!
Wer weiter [missing text] wird erschoss [missing text]
Wählt Noske! Die S.P.D. braucht Tatmenschen!
(Beschluss der Bezirksleitung der SPD. Harburg)
Grosser Posten sozialdemokratischer Minister zu vergeben.
Wir sind in der glücklichen Lage, einen grossen Posten Minister äusserst preiswert abzustossen. Feinste Qualität! Reinsozialisten!
Linkssozialisten! Kleine Koalition! Grosse Koalition! Rechte Koalition! Linke Koalition! Jedes Quantum auf Lager! Billigst! Kein
Lieferstreik! Nicht Passendes wird zurückgenommen!
Ebert, Scheidemann, Wels und Co., G.m.b.H.
[School. Swastika on steel helmet...Parents and teachers, clear out the breeding ground of the clerics and monarchists! Vote for
Communists! Peasant, are you working for these fatheads? That has to change! Vote for Communists! Halt! Anyone who [goes] further will be
shot. Vote for Noske! The S.P.D. needs men of action! (Resolution of the district leadership of the SPD, Harburg.) Inventory sale. Great
position as Social Democratic Minister on offer. We are in the happy position of disposing of a great position as a Minister extremely
cheaply. Finest quality! Pure Socialists! Left-wing Socialists! Small coalition! Large coalition! Right-wing coalition! Left-wing
coalition! Every quantity in stock! Knockdown price! No delivery strike! Unsuitable goods taken back! Ebert, Scheidemann, Wels and Co.
text 2: Wähler entscheidet Euch!
Kapitalistische Diktatur oder Diktatur des Proletariats?
Die friedliche Entwicklung zum Sozialismus.
Wollen Sie Sand streuen in die Augen des deutschen Proletariats, so wählen Sie
nur die Partei des kapitalistischen Wiederaufbaus,
nur die Partei der Noske, Ebert, Scheidemann, Hörsing, Severing, Parvus, Sklarz,
nur die Partei des permamenten Belagerungszustands,
nur die Partei des unentwegten Durchhaltens,
nur die Partei des Ermächtigungsgesetzes und des Zehnstundentages.
Wilhelm II.
wollte sich 'mit Hilfe der Sozialdemokratie ein Reich wieder aufbauen'. Helfen auch Sie mit, die Ausbeuterdiktatur der Schwerindustrie und
Bankkapitalisten zu verewigen.
Wählen Sie SPD.
Sie werden nicht enttäuscht werden.
5 Jahre kämpft die SPD. gegen hungernde Arbeiter.
Prolet, schlag ihn Knockout!
Nur die Kommunisten stehen euch im Kampfe gegen die Reaktion bei!
Darum wählt Kommunisten!
Die Sozialisierung marschiert
8 Stundentag
Soweit hat die SPD. das Maul aufgerissen
Hier ruht das Erfurterprogramm.
Und jetzt ist ihr die Puste ausgegangen.
[Voters, decide! A capitalist dictatorship or a dictatorship of the proletariat? K.P.D. [German Communist Party]. The peaceful development
towards Socialism. If you want to throw sand in the eyes of the German proletariat, then vote only for the party of capitalist
reconstruction, only the party of Noske, Ebert, Scheidemann, Hörsing, Severing, Parvus, Sklarz, only the party of the permanent state of
siege, only the party of unswerving diehard policies, only the party of the Act of Enablement and the ten-hour day. Wilhelm II wanted to
'rebuild an empire with the help of Social Democracy'. You too can help to perpetuate the exploitative dictatorship of heavy industry and
banking capitalists. Vote for the SPD. You won't be disappointed. Crispien. For 5 years the SPD fought against hungry workers. Proletarian,
knock him out! Only the Communists stand by you in the fight against reaction! So vote for Communists! Bielefeld Agreement. Nationalisation
is on the move. 8-hour day. The SPD talked this big. Here lies the Erfurt programme. Kautsky drops Sklarz strongbox. S.P.D. And now it's
run out of breath.]
Physical description
Nr. 5.
Rather than a poster, this is the inside pages of a pamphlet (see PST 6316B for the pamphlet's cover).
One of the images, the depiction of a boxing match, was also used on a poster (see PST 6313).