
  • Army Film and Photographic Unit photographer Sgt Norman Midgley in his jeep
    © IWM (B 7947)

    Oliver Carter-Wakefield

    The cameraman’s experience of the Second World War: a study of the AFPU dope sheets/The Army Film and Photographic Film Unit, 1941-1945.

  • Hollad House Library, 1940. Three men inspect the book shelves in a bomb damaged hall.
    © IWM (HU 131632)

    Jane McArthur

    The Scars of War: Ruin, Memory and Loss in Photographs of World War II London

  • Black and white photograph of British forces in Berlin post-war
    © IWM

    Ellis Keeber

    “Limelight Soldiering?" The Cold War and the experience of British military personnel in Berlin, 1945-1971

  • General Orde Wingate and an American Liason Officer in discussion with a Chindit.
    © IWM (MH 7864)

    Simon Browne

    Soldiers of stamina and daring: exploring the lives and legacies of Major General David Lloyd-Owen and Major General Orde Wingate

  • A maintenance Wren screwing down caps of the oil pump of an MTB engine.
    © IWM (A 12196)

    Jane Clarke

    A review of the impact of women’s military or wartime service in the aftermath of the First World War

  • A concept image IWM's new Second World War Galleries. Patrons exploring the Second World War galleries full of images and objects.
    © IWM (A concept image IWM's new Second World War Galleries)

    Kasia Tomasiewicz

    The Imperial War Museum and British Public Memory of the Second World

  • A soldier passes war artist John Keane as he sketches during the Gulf War 1990-91
    © Ken Lennox (GLF 1324)

    Clare Carolin

    Bring the War Home: Civic Participation, Citizenship Rituals and the Representation of Conflict in Contemporary Art

  • Jessica Douthwaite

    Voices of the Cold War

  • British Army soldiers in the jungle in Kenya during the Mau Mau uprising in 1952 or 1953.
    © IWM (MAU 545)

    Tom Probert

    The impact of participating in British counterinsurgency campaigns, 1945-1997, on the psyche of British armed forces personnel

  • Sabine Grimshaw

    Pacifism and protest: anti-war sentiment in IWM collections

  • Anna Maguire

    Colonial Encounters during the First World War

  • Rebecca Coll

    Noble Frankland and the reinvention of the Imperial War Museum 1960-1982

  • Leanne Green

    Advertising War: War Publicity and the First World War.

  • Lizzie Oliver

    Interpreting Memories of a Forgotten Army: Prisoner-of-war narratives from the Sumatra Railway, May 1944 - August 1945

  • James Wallis

    Remembrance, Commemoration and Memory: Negotiating the Imperial War Museum’s First World War Exhibitions, 1964 - 2014.

  • Alys Cundy

    A Century of Reinvention: Display Policy and Practice at the Imperial War Museum, 1917-2017.

  • Chris Deal

    Framing War, Sport and Politics: The Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan and the Moscow Olympics

  • Laura Johnson

    Establishing Broadcast Monitoring as Open Source Intelligence: The BBC Monitoring Service during the Second World War

  • Kevin Reynolds

    ‘That Justice be Seen’: the American Prosecution’s Use of Film at the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal.

  • Rebecca Searle

    Working Space, Production and Visual Culture: Aircraft in Wartime Britain, 1939-45.

  • Hope Wolf

    Something yet unpublished’: Anecdotes in the Imperial War Museum’s Archive of the 1964 BBC Series, The Great War.

  • Hannah Mawdsley

    The Politics of Commemoration and the 1918 Influenza Pandemic

  • Fabio Simonetti

    Encounters in Wartime Italy: British Soldiers and Italian Civilians, 1943-1944

  • A landscape scene in which two guns stand propped up with helmets on top of them.

    John Beales

    War Stories: composure and discomposure in British veterans’ communication of their experiences of the Falklands War, 1982

  • Lee Arnott

    Deconstructing the myth of the British military masculine ideal.
    Military masculinities in the British Army, 1960-2020

  • French civilian Mari-Anne Le Du clasping a book among the debris in one of the rooms of her new home in the village of Buron, N. W. of Caen.
    © IWM (B 7700)

    Alice Tofts

    The photographs of families who fell victim to Nazi persecution: building a collection; interrogating its meaning

  • Mrs Kitchener, a female gravedigger, carries on her husband's business whilst he serves on the front, Aley Green Cemetery, Luton.
    © IWM (Q 31234)

    Colin Harding

    Horace Nicholls: Artist, Journalist, Propagandist, Opportunist

  • Herbert Hillier, 'Dreams! The 'Guard' Off Duty, July 2nd 1915' pencil drawing
    © IWM ART 4374

    Chloe Nahum

    ‘To dream as I have never dreamed before’: Dreaming and the First World War Literature and Culture.