© IWM (B 7947)
Oliver Carter-Wakefield
The cameraman’s experience of the Second World War: a study of the AFPU dope sheets/The Army Film and Photographic Film Unit, 1941-1945.
© IWM (HU 131632)
Jane McArthur
The Scars of War: Ruin, Memory and Loss in Photographs of World War II London
Ellis Keeber
“Limelight Soldiering?" The Cold War and the experience of British military personnel in Berlin, 1945-1971
© IWM (MH 7864)
Simon Browne
Soldiers of stamina and daring: exploring the lives and legacies of Major General David Lloyd-Owen and Major General Orde Wingate
© IWM (A 12196)
Jane Clarke
A review of the impact of women’s military or wartime service in the aftermath of the First World War
© IWM (A concept image IWM's new Second World War Galleries)
Kasia Tomasiewicz
The Imperial War Museum and British Public Memory of the Second World
© Ken Lennox (GLF 1324)
Clare Carolin
Bring the War Home: Civic Participation, Citizenship Rituals and the Representation of Conflict in Contemporary Art
© IWM (MAU 545)
Tom Probert
The impact of participating in British counterinsurgency campaigns, 1945-1997, on the psyche of British armed forces personnel
Lizzie Oliver
Interpreting Memories of a Forgotten Army: Prisoner-of-war narratives from the Sumatra Railway, May 1944 - August 1945
James Wallis
Remembrance, Commemoration and Memory: Negotiating the Imperial War Museum’s First World War Exhibitions, 1964 - 2014.
Alys Cundy
A Century of Reinvention: Display Policy and Practice at the Imperial War Museum, 1917-2017.
Chris Deal
Framing War, Sport and Politics: The Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan and the Moscow Olympics
Laura Johnson
Establishing Broadcast Monitoring as Open Source Intelligence: The BBC Monitoring Service during the Second World War
Kevin Reynolds
‘That Justice be Seen’: the American Prosecution’s Use of Film at the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal.
Rebecca Searle
Working Space, Production and Visual Culture: Aircraft in Wartime Britain, 1939-45.
Hope Wolf
Something yet unpublished’: Anecdotes in the Imperial War Museum’s Archive of the 1964 BBC Series, The Great War.
Fabio Simonetti
Encounters in Wartime Italy: British Soldiers and Italian Civilians, 1943-1944
John Beales
War Stories: composure and discomposure in British veterans’ communication of their experiences of the Falklands War, 1982
Lee Arnott
Deconstructing the myth of the British military masculine ideal.
Military masculinities in the British Army, 1960-2020 -
© IWM (B 7700)
Alice Tofts
The photographs of families who fell victim to Nazi persecution: building a collection; interrogating its meaning
© IWM (Q 31234)
© IWM ART 4374
Chloe Nahum
‘To dream as I have never dreamed before’: Dreaming and the First World War Literature and Culture.