
Mapping the Centenary is a digital portal containing information about projects and activities that marked the First World War Centenary from 2014 – 2019.

Between June 2020 and March 2021, we invited organisations and individuals to tell us about their activity - from websites to events, to learning resources and historical research - to help us to understand how the centenary was marked. Please note that IWM is not responsible for the content of external websites.

Mapping the Centenary was developed with the kind support of the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport.

Organisations, individuals and members of the public who took part in First World War Centenary activity, as well as researchers and educators.

Featured Projects Map

A party of British troops with guns and shovels at Fleurbaix.
Credit: IWM Q649
A party of British troops with guns and shovels at Fleurbaix.

Across the United Kingdom and beyond, communities came together to commemorate the centenary of the First World War. Browse our map of featured projects, and click a pin to find out more about the activity.

Search Projects

Event at IWM London, 2019

Search our database of thousands of projects and activities that marked the First World War Centenary from 2014 – 2019. IWM is not responsible for the content of external websites.

Find out more

Helping a researcher to use the Lives database
Credit: IWM

Useful websites relating to the Centenary

Guidance on digital preservation, and suggested websites for finding out more about the First World War and Centenary activity.

Mapping the Centenary FAQ

The FAQ will tell you all you need to know about the Mapping the Centenary Project.

Teachers Hub Thumbnail

Mapping the Centenary: Teachers Hub

The ‘Mapping the Centenary’ portal introduces users to a variety of topics linked to the First World War, as is taught on the National Curriculum. We've created a selection of activities for teachers related to the portal.