Memorial details

Memorial type
Western Islands
Stornoway (Isle Of Lewis)
Western Isles
First World War (1914-1918), First World War - civilians
  • Unveiled
    Date: 23 March 2018
    Attended by:
Not lost
WM Reference

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Current location

Carn Gardens
beside the Town Hall
Point Street
Stornoway (Isle Of Lewis)
Western Islands
Western Isles

OS Grid Ref: NB 42285 32776
Denomination: Undefined

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A Cairn built of 201 Stones- 1 from the home village of each man lost in the disaster. The dedication is on a slate tablet on a wall, and there is also a memorial bench. There is also a pictorial slate tablet on the wall behind the cairn.
Pictorial Tablet- 1.1.1919----HMY IOLAIRE Royal Navy Reserve/173 Lost/1-1-1919 Royal Navy/6 Lost/1-1-1919 Royal Marine Light Infantry/1 Lost/1-1-1919 Mercantile Marine-21 Lost/1-1-1919 a'cuimhneachadh/le bron Dedication Tablet- Carn Cuimhneachain na h-Iolaire/Tha 201 clach anns a' charn sea, air an cruinneachadh/le aigridh a Leodhas, Na Heatadh, Bearnagraigh (Na/Hearadh), Tir-mor na h-Alba agus Sasainn. Tha gach clach/a' riochdachadh nam bailtean bhan tainig gach fear a/chailleadh, agus tha iad air an cumadh mar a leanas: This Cairn contains 201 stones collected by young people/from Lewis, Harris, Berneray (Harris), Scottish Mainland/and England. Each stone comes from the home village, town/or city of a victim and are arranged as follows: North Face An Toabh Siar agus Nis 51 caillie South Face Na Lochan 33 caillie Na Hearadh 5 caillie Bearnaraigh (Na Hearadh) 2 caillie Sasainn 18 caillie East Face An Rubha 39 caillie Tir-mar na h-Alba 2 caillie West Face Sgire Steomabhaigh 8 caillie Tolastadh agus Am Bac 20 caillie Uig agus Bearnaraigh 23 caillie Gu h-iomlan.......... 201 caillie
Inscription legible?
  • First World War (1914-1918)
    Total names on memorial: 0
    Served and returned: 0
    Died: 0
    Exact count: yes
    Information shown: Undefined
    Order of information: Undefined
  • First World War - civilians
    Total names on memorial: 0
    Served and returned: 0
    Died: 0
    Exact count: yes
    Information shown: Undefined
    Order of information: Undefined
  • Cairn
    Measurements: Undefined
    Materials: Stone
  • Tablet
    Measurements: Undefined
    Materials: Slate
  • Seat
    Measurements: Undefined
    Materials: Slate
  • Tablet
    Measurements: Undefined
    Materials: Undefined

Comments: The Bench was donated by Stornoway Port Authority.

Trust fund/Scholarship
Purpose: Unknown or N/A

This record comprises all information held by IWM’s War Memorials Register for this memorial. Where we hold a names list for the memorial, this information will be displayed on the memorial record. Please check back as we are adding more names to the database.

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