Memorial details
- Memorial type
- Board / Plaque / Tablet
- District
- Portsmouth
- Town
- Portsmouth
- County
- Hampshire
- Country
- England
- Commemoration
- Non-Combat Deaths
- Lost
- Not lost
- WM Reference
- 49844
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Current location
Contact the Chaplaincy in advance in order to make arrangements to access the Dockyard. On the west wall to the right of the main door
St Ann's Church
Anchor Lane
HMNB Portsmouth
OS Grid Ref: SU 63171 00566
Denomination: Church of England
- Description
- Large rectangular brass plaque with smaller plaque placed above it. Rope border incised around edge of both plaques. Inscription in black lettering.
- Inscription
- Inscription legible?
- yes
- Names on memorial
- Abraham, John G
Adams, Albert
Adams, Charles
Adams, John
Adams, Willm R
Aitken, Matthew
Albone, Richd H G
Allen, Charles
Allen, Frederick
Allen, Willm R
See details for all 318 names - Commemorations
- Non-Combat Deaths
Total names on memorial: 318
Served and returned: 0
Died: 318
Exact count: yes
Information shown: manner of death, unit, place of death, date of death, surname, forename, initials, rank, service
Order of information: rank, surname, forename
- Non-Combat Deaths
- Components
- Plaques
Measurements: Undefined
Materials: Brass
- Plaques
- Listing information
- Grade II
- This memorial is protected, and listed on the National Heritage List for England maintained by Historic England. View list entry
- More about listing and the protection of historic places can be found on the Historic England website
- Condition
- WMO ID: 75436
- Condition: Good [last updated on 13-02-2020]
- Help update these details if the condition is wrong
- Trust fund/Scholarship
- No
Purpose: Unknown or N/A - Reference
- Image and full names list-www.memorialsinportsmouth.co.uk/churches/st_anns/eurydice.htm
- The Times 26 March 1878-A profound sensation was created at Chatham on Monday by the receipt of the news of the loss of Her Majesty's ship Eurydice, as the relatives of several of the seamen on board the ship live in that district. Captain Ferrier, who was on board, was an officer of the Royal Engineers; he left Chatham some months back, and proceeded to Bermuda in command of the 32d Company Royal Engineers, and he was returning home in the Eurydice on leave of absence. Captain Marcus A.S. Hare, we believe, was the son of the late Lieutenant Marcus Theodore Hare, R.N., by his marriage with the Hon. Lucy Anne Stanley, second daughter of the first Lord Stanley of Alderley, and aunt of the present Lord. He entered the Royal Navy in 1855, became Lieutenant in 1857, Commander in 1867, and Captain in 1873. He had received four medals for his services. Lieutenant the Hon. Edward Robert Gifford was the second son of the late Lord Gifford, by the Hon. Frederica FitzHardinge Berkeley, eldest daughter of the late Admiral Lord FitzHardinge. He was born in November, 1853, and entered the Royal Navy in 1871. He became Sub-Lieutenant in 1873, and Lieutenant in 1874. Lieutenant Gifford was heir-presumptive to his brother's title.
- The Times 26 March 1878- THE LOSS OF THE EURYDICE The wreck of the Eurydice, the training-ship for young ordinary seamen, off the Isle of Wight, and almost within sight of Spithead, for which place she was standing, at the end of a pleasant and successful cruise to the West Indies, is a disaster which calls vividly to mind the loss of the Captain off Cape Finisterre. With this exception, there is nothing to compare with the calamity which occurred on Sunday afternoon, so far as the Navy is concerned, though the loss of life has frequently been exceeded by the sinking of emigrant vessels. The circumstances are similar in many respects to those attending the loss of the Captain, both ships having turned over and sunk during a gale of wind, all their sail being at the time set. So far as can be ascertained, the Eurydice had 368 souls on board at the time, though thus is very much a matter of conjecture, as, besides her own officers and crew, she was bringing home a number of military officers, supernumeraries, and invalids from the West Indies. Hence considerable uncertainty exists both as to the names and numbers of the sufferers. The Eurydice was a wooden sailing, fully-rigged ship of 921 tons displacement, and was at one time considered one of the smartest and quickest 26-gun frigates in the service. She was built about 1843. Last year she was converted into a training-ship for ordinary seamen at Mr. John White's yard at Cowes, and was completed for sea at Portsmouth Dockyard. She was commissioned on the 7th of February, 1877, and finally sailed from Portsmouth on the 13th of November with a crew of about 300 ordinary seamen and the officers named below. All the officers and crew are lost, with the exception of two seamen. Captain Hare had been at one time commander of the St. Vincent, training-ship at Portsmouth, and was selected for the command from his knowledge and experience of young seamen. Lieutenant Tabor was a thoroughly efficient sailor, having had command of the Cruiser in the Mediterranean. The Eurydice was accompanied from Portsmouth by the training brig Martin, and was eventually joined at Madeira by the Liberty from Plymouth. All the vessels were filled with ordinary seamen, whom it was considered necessary to inure to the sea by a long cruise; and, as they were all draughted from the home training-ships, the distress caused by their loss is spread over the whole country. They were, of course, mostly unmarried men, and in this respect the crew differ from that of the Captain, who were principally able-bodied seamen and petty officers. The Liberty arrived at Portsmouth a few days ago, the Eurydice being detained for the purpose of taking up supernumeraries. Captain Hare, however, informed Lieutenant-Commander Hicks that he expected to be home almost as soon as the Martin. The Euydice left Bermuda on the 6th inst., and nothing was heard of her until she was seen by the coastguard at Bonchurch at 3.30 on Sunday afternoon, bearing for Spithead under all plain sail, and with her port stunsails (an additional sail on an extra yard and boom at either side of a square sail, for use in light winds.) set on the foretopmast and maintopmast, the object being clearly to arrive at the anchorage at Spithead before nightfall. There was an ominous stillness prevailing at this time. A heavy bank of clouds was coming down from the north-west, and the glass was falling rapidly. Such wind as there was came from the westward, and blew on the port quarter of the ship. The Isle of Wight is of peculiar formation on its southern fringe, having what may be considered as a double coast line extending from Blackgang Chine as far as Shanklin. The inner circle of the Downs reaches a height of 500 feet above the sea, and affords a deceptive shelter to ships well inshore. From the direction in which the Eurydice was steering she would be in comparatively smooth water, so sheltered would she be by the Downs, until she rounded Dunnose Head, where the disaster occurred. This circumstance will also serve to explain the fact that the Emma, schooner, which was near at the time, was not affected by the gale. At ten minutes to 4 the wind suddenly veered round from the west to the eastward, and a gale, accompanied by a blinding fall of snow, came rushing from the highlands down Luccombe Chine, striking the Eurydice just a little before the beam, driving her out of her course, which was heading to the north-east, and turning her bows to the east. This is what seems probable, though, from the manner in which the sea was concealed by the snow, nothing was seen of her at the supreme moment when she capsized to starboard. The air cleared as suddenly as it became overcast, the wind sinking away at the same time. As soon as anything could be seen, the masts and top-hamper of the ship were discerned above the water about 2¾ miles E.N.E. off Dunnose, a well-known and lofty landmark between Shanklin and Ventnor. The ship lies in 11 fathoms (66 feet) of water, and from her position she appears to have righted in going down. Of the whole number of souls on board, only two persons, as already reported, succeeded in reaching the shore alive. These are an able seaman named Benjamin Cuddiford, a native of Plymouth, and Sydney Fletcher, an ordinary first-class seaman, aged 19, belonging to Bristol. Lieutenant Tabor died before reaching the shore, and the only other bodies which have been recovered are those of Colonel Ferrier, R.E., and a petty officer named Bennett. The bodies, which were picked up as they drifted towards Ventnor on an ebb tide, were taken into a cottage at Ventnor, where they await the coroner's inquiry, which will probably be opened in the course of to-day. The two survivors were first taken to the Esplanade and subsequently to the Cottage Hospital at Bonchurch, where they were attended by Dr. Williamson, of Ventnor, for the night. They were both brought over to Portsmouth yesterday afternoon. Cuddiford is doing well, but the lad is still very weak. Much surprise has been caused at the small number rescued, the more especially as the time being at hand for the changing of the watch a great many men would be on deck at the time. Ordinary seamen are also taught swimming as part of their training for the sea. No doubt numbers threw themselves overboard when the ship capsized and were sucked down by the ship and carried out to sea by the tide; but there is good reason for supposing that the majority succumbed through becoming chilled by the cold. Captain Langworthy Jenkin, master of the Emma, schooner, bound from Newcastle for Poole with coals, was the means of rescuing the survivors, and has brought his ship into Portsmouth to give particulars. He states that at 45 minutes past 4 on Sunday afternoon, after a heavy squall, the atmosphere cleared and he observed some wreckage and the royals of a ship flapping above the water. He also fancied he heard some one shouting for assistance. He sent a man into the rigging to look out, who reported that he saw a man floating in the water with a cork jacket. He immediately made sail and stood towards him. Having to tack once to fetch him, he hoisted out boats, which picked up four men, and one man was picked up from the ship. He did his best to restore their circulation, but one of the men had died before he was got on board. Captain Jenkins then stood for Ventnor with colours half-mast high, and a boat came off. A doctor was sent for, but two other men died before he arrived. The Coastguard boat afterwards came alongside with Commander Roach, who recognized the body of Lieutenant Tabor, the First Lieutenant of the Eurydice, and the other as an officer of the Royal Engineers, When the men were picked up, Dunnose bore N.W. by W. three to four miles. The boy Fletcher is too weak to furnish full particulars of the sad affair. He states, however, that he was below with the greater part of the crew, when, hearing a noise, he rushed up the hatchway and heard a cry, "All hands for themselves." He caught a life buoy and jumped overboard, as did also the rest who were picked up. A minute afterwards the ship gave a lurch forward and sank, drawing him down to a considerable distance, but the life buoy raised him again. In an account given by Cuddiford it is stated that the ship capsized in a squall and snow storm at as nearly as he can state 4 o'clock in the afternoon, when they were five miles from Dunnose. There were over 300 men on board, all of whom, except himself and Sydney Fletcher, who belonged to the Rover, were, he thought, drowned. He was one of the last to leave the ship. The captain was standing near him at the time the ship went down after capsizing. When she sank she carried down with her a large number of men who were clinging to her. A man near him said that a vessel was close by when the squall came on, and that they were all sure to be soon picked up. He was more than an hour in the water, being a first-rate swimmer, and very many of his messmates called out to him for assistance. He tried to help two or three; but at last, as he found there were four clinging to him, he was eventually obliged to kick them off. The survivors were well taken care of by the master of the schooner and crew. The Eurydice left Bermuda three weeks ago, passed the Lizard on Saturday, and expected to anchor at Spithead about 5 o'clock. A telegram having been forwarded on Sunday evening to the Commander-in-Chief at Portsmouth, informing him of the occurrence, Admiral Fanshawe at once despatched the two Government tugs the Grinder and the Camel, to the wreck, in charge of Commanders Polkinghorne and Dathan, the two Master Attendants of the yard. The wreck was reached about midnight. The ship was found lying on her starboard bilge, on a fine sandy beach, in 11 fathoms of water, and with her head about south-east, having almost slewed round during the circular storm. Her fore (the mast nearest the front or bow of a vessel with two or more masts) and mizzen (on a ship with three or more masts, the third mast from the front) topgallant (a ship’s mast that is taller than a topmast or is an extension of a topmast) masts had been carried away, the topgallant sails hung before the topsails, with the main topgallant masts standing, and all her sails set. Leaving Commander Dathan in charge of the wreck, Commander Polkinghorne came back to Portsmouth at 5 o'clock yesterday morning to report to the Commander-in-Chief, and to dispatch the requisite aid. The Grinder accordingly sailed to the spot with 25 riggers, some shipwrights, and a couple of divers, with the necessary gear. The sails and tophamper of the wreck were removed, and the tugs will remain to watch the spot. There will be no difficulty in raising the ship by means of lumps. No more bodies have been recovered. As a matter of form a court-martial will be held upon the survivors. (BY TELEGRAPH.) The survivors on arrival at Portsmouth were taken to Admiralty-house, before the Commander-in-Chief, and were afterwards re-taken to Ventnor, in order that they may give evidence to-day before the County Coroner for the Isle of Wight. Prior to leaving Portsmouth, Cuddiford made an important statement to Admiral Foley of the circumstances attending the wreck. He said :- "At 7 bells on Sunday afternoon, the 24th inst., the watch at a quarter to 4 o'clock was called to take in lower studding sails. I was on deck to tend the lower tack, and let it go. The captain gave orders to take in the upper sails. The wind was then freshening. The captain ordered the men to come down from aloft and then to let go the topsail halliards. The gunner's mate let go the topsail halliards, and another man, Bryant, let go the mainsheet. The water was then running over the lee netting on the starboard side, and washed away the cutter. The foretopmast studding sail was set. The wind was about a point abaft the port beam. I caught hold of the main truss, fell, and caught hold of the weather netting and got on the ship's side. We could see her keel. She righted a little before going down, ringing the mizzen topsail out of the water. She then went gradually over from forward, the greater part of the hands being at the fore part of the ship outside. She then turned over, bringing the port cutter bottom upwards. I and another, Richards, cut the foremost gripe, and then saw the captain standing on the vessel's side near the quarter boat and the two doctors struggling in the water. I swam some distance, keeping over my head a lifebuoy, which I found, and then picked up some piece of wreck, which I gave to some of the men in the water. I then came across the copper punt full of water, five men were in it. The sea capsized the punt, and they all got on the bottom. They asked me if there was any signs of help. I told them the best thing they could do was to keep their spirits up. One of them was just letting go his hold of the punt. I do not know his name. I next saw Mr. Brewer, the boatswain, with a cork lifebelt on. He was struggling strongly. I then saw Fletcher in the water with a cork belt and breaker. I lost sight of him during the snow. About five minutes afterwards the weather cleared up. I saw Fletcher again, and we kept together. Then we saw land, but, finding it too rough, we turned our backs to the land and saw a schooner. The schooner bore down on us, sent a boat, and picked up two officers that I had not previously noticed with a wash-deck locker. A rope's end was thrown to me from the schooner, and I was then picked up. I judge that I was in the water one hour and 20 minutes. The officers picked up were Lieutenant Tabor and a captain of the Royal Engineers who came on board at Bermuda with one corporal, one bombardier, four privates, and the servant of an officer of the Royal Engineers. The ship capsized about 10 minutes before 4 o'clock. The captain was giving orders at the time, and was carrying out his duty, We rounded on the weather beam, and set the lower studding-sail, at 2 p.m. The ship was then going 8½ knots. I don't know who was the officer of the watch, as the captain was carrying on the duty. The Hon. Mr. Giffard went to the wheel to help at the time the water was coming over the lee nettings in consequence of an order being given to put the helm up. There were the following supernumeraries on board :- Three Court-martial prisoners from the Rover; one A.B., a Court-martial prisoner from Bermuda; an ordinary seaman named Parker, who had been tried by Court-martial (he belonged to the Eurydice); and about 12 or 14 Marines, with one sergeant of Marines from Bermuda Dockyard, two invalids from Bermuda Hospital, one ship's corporal from the Argus, one captain's cook from the Argus, one engineer's steward from the Argus, one ship's cook from Bermuda Dockyard, one quartermaster, named Nicholas, from the Rover. I believe some of the maindeck ports were open to let in the air to the main deck mess. I don't think the hands were turned up; there was hardly time for that. I saw most of the men forward take off their clothes and jump off before I lost sight of them in the squall. When the snow cleared up the ship was gone down." During yesterday the Commander-in-Chief was in constant communication with Her Majesty and the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, and in the course of the day received the following telegrams from the Queen. The first, which came direct from Her Majesty, was in the following terms :- "The Queen is deeply grieved to hear of the loss of the Eurydice. Her Majesty anxiously asks for further details." The second was transmitted to the First Lord of the Admiralty, and was to the following effect :- "The Queen would ask Mr. Smith to make known her grief at the terrible calamity to the Eurydice, and her heartfelt sympathy with the afflicted friends and relatives." In another telegram to Mr. Smith the Queen said the telegrams had caused her the greatest grief. These telegrams, having been forwarded to Admiral Fanshawe, were promptly posted at the dockyard gates, where they were eagerly read by sympathetic crowds. Admiral Foley visited the wreck in the course of the afternoon, and from an examination of the rigging and gear of the ship he is firmly of opinion that the crew were in the act of shortening sail at the time the ship sank. In this opinion he is supported by the pilots who are assisting at the wreck. They found that the topsails had been let go, and that the mizzen-topsail was actually resting on the cap. The squall, however, was evidently too sudden and powerful for the crew to relieve the ship in time. There is also reason for concluding that the ports on both sides were open, and that the water rushed in on the starboard side, which prevented the ship from righting and pulled her over. The divers and riggers were engaged yesterday in relieving the wreck of her spars and sails, and the Grinder arrived just before 7 with the royals and some of the yards of the ill-fated ship on board. No attempt has yet been made to penetrate below decks. It is expected that a month will elapse before the ship can be raised and brought into harbour. No more bodies have been recovered. The Commander-in-Chief has forwarded instructions to Commander Roche, of the Coastguard at Ventnor, to have the bodies of Lieutenant Tabor, Captain Ferrier, and the one seaman whose body has been picked up placed in shell coffins, but that they must not be removed until the Coroner has given permission. Inspector-General Domville, the chief medical officer at Haslar Hospital, and who was formerly an officer serving on board the Eurydice, has had an interview with the Commander-in-Chief, and it has been agreed to fit up one of the alcoves in the grounds at Haslar for the reception of the bodies of the crew as soon as they are recovered. Canvas and flags have been sent over from the Dockyard for the purpose. There is deep and widespread grief throughout the town.
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