• Home Front
  • Families

IWM expert Ngaire has brought you tales from the Home Front in her Adventures in History series. It’s time to put that knowledge to the test and see how much you have remembered in our truly tricky Family Mission quiz!

If you want one last quick reminder you can still view our Adventures in History videos with Ngaire below.

Watch Again

Adventures in History: On the Home Front - Part One Graphic
Home Learning

On the Home Front - Part One

Join IWM expert Ngaire as she helps us discover the extraordinary stories of the people who rose to the challenge of life on the Second World War Home Front.

Adventures in History - On the Home Front Part Two graphic
Home Learning

On the Home Front - Part Two

From the Women’s Auxiliary Airforce to the Timber Corps, join IWM expert Ngaire as she helps us discover the extraordinary stories of the people who rose to the challenge of life on the Second World War Home Front.

Good Luck and don’t forget to tell us how you scored on IWM’s Facebook and Twitter


A group of smiling evacuees with gas mask boxes hold hands on a walk in Reading.
A group of smiling evacuees with gas mask boxes hold hands on a walk in Reading. © IWM D 824

1. Ngaire tells us about an object in the Allpress House that is kept behind the front door with a bucket of sand. What is it?

2. How many children were evacuated to the countryside in September 1939?

3. What does ARP mean?

4. Charity Bick was a volunteer ARP Warden. What special medal did she receive for the bravery she showed in cycling through the bombing to fetch help?

5. Charity lied about her age when she signed up to volunteer. How old was Charity when she signed up as an ARP Warden?

A flight mechanic of the W.A.A.F services a Bristol Beaufighter
A flight mechanic of the W.A.A.F services a Bristol Beaufighter © IWM CH 13691

6. George Roberts was a Firefighter during the Second World War – an extremely dangerous job as they would be putting out fires in the middle of bombing raids. But what uniform was he wearing in the photo Ngaire showed us?

7. After Doris Danher’s house in Liverpool was destroyed by a bombing raid, she decided to offer her services as a volunteer to the war effort. Which organisation did she volunteer for?

A. The Women’s Land Army,

B. The Women’s Timber Corp,

C. The Munitions Factories,

D. The Women’s Voluntary Service

8. What nickname was given to the organisation Doris volunteered for?

9. Lilian Bader volunteered with the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force (WAAF) during the Second World War. What was her job with the WAAF?

10. Bernie Bristoll was a little boy during the war. His mother worked long hours in a munitions factory. What special treat did she bring Bernie home one day?


1. A stirrup pump which was used to help put out fires during bombing raids

2. 1.5 million in 3 days from 1 September 1939

3. Air Raid Precautions

4. The George Medal

5. Charity was 14 years old. But you had to be 16 to volunteer, so she lied on her application as she was desperate to help.

6. His First World War army uniform. George survived one of the deadliest battles in the First World War, the Battle of the Somme. George was too old to join the army in the Second World War, so he used his experience and skills to defend the Home Front with the London Fire Brigade.

7. B. The Women’s Timber Corp

8. Lumber Jill

9. Lilian trained in engineering to become an Instrument Repairer, working her way up to Leading Aircraftwoman; achieving the rank of Acting Corporal.

10. A doughnut

How did you get on?

1-3: Good effort (if you want to find what you missed you can go back and watch the videos again)

4-7: Brilliant effort (if you want to find what you missed you can go back and watch the videos again)

7-11: Wow you could even work for IWM someday (If you want to learn even more go back and watch other Adventures in History)

Explore Further

Adventures in History: On the Home Front - Part One Graphic
Home Learning

On the Home Front - Part One

Join IWM expert Ngaire as she helps us discover the extraordinary stories of the people who rose to the challenge of life on the Second World War Home Front.

Don’t Do It, Mother – Leave The Children Where They Are
© IWM (Art.IWM PST 8235)
Classroom Resource

Second World War Posters

Use these sources to understand more about propaganda poster campaigns, and the artists behind them, during the Second World War.

Poster for IWM learning content Adventures in History: Cakes Made from Carrots
Home Learning

Cakes Made From Carrots

Join IWM expert Ngaire as she tells real life stories of how people satisfied their sweet tooth despite rationing in the Second World War.