Discover the Battle of Britain story at IWM Duxford
The Battle of Britain took place from 10 July - 31 October 1940. Duxford was a Sector Station during the Battle of Britain which meant it was responsible for directing squadrons into battle.
It was also home to the ‘Big Wing’ led by Squadron Leader Douglas Bader.
Discover the personal stories of those who served at RAF Duxford, learn about the RAF's aerial defence network, get up close to a Spitfire, Hurricane and crash-landed Messerschmitt, in our brand new Ops Block exhibition and refreshed Battle of Britain hangar.
8 Things You Need To Know About The Battle Of Britain
The Battle of Britain was a major air campaign fought over southern England in the summer and autumn of 1940. Here are 8 things you need to know about one of Britain’s most important victories of the Second World War.
'Never was so much owed by so many to so few'
“Eighty years ago, during the summer of 1940, the Royal Air Force took on the German Luftwaffe at a pivotal point in the Second World War. This aerial campaign became known as the Battle of Britain. The average age of a pilot was just twenty years old. And they weren’t just British, many came from occupied nations such as Czechoslovakia and Poland. Parts of the Commonwealth and neutral nations such as the United States. This battle saw the RAF defeat the Luftwaffe for control of the skies over England, allowing Britain to remain in the war and helping steer the Allies towards victory in Europe. The gratitude of every home in our island, in our empire and indeed throughout the world accepting the abodes of the guilty goes out to the British airmen who, undaunted by odds, unwearied in their constant challenge and mortal danger are turning the tide of the world war by their prowess and by their devotion. Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.”
Hear the words Winston Churchill spoke in 1940 again in this 80th anniversary commemorative video.
Participants included RAF Duxford Veteran, Stan Dell, Flight Lieutenant Genevieve Rolleston-Smith, Artur Bildziuk of the Polish Airmen’s Association, Stephen Fry, Dan Snow, Samira Ahmed and James Holland.