
1. Hawker Hurricanes

Operations: Nine Hawker Hurricanes of 85 Squadron, Royal Air Force seen from slightly below.
© IWM CH 1500

Hawker Hurricanes of No. 85 Squadron, Royal Air Force (RAF) seen from below, October 1940.


2. The scramble

Operations: Pilots seen running to their aircraft.
© IWM (IWM SR 10093)

Operations: Pilots seen running to their aircraft.


3. Junkers Ju 87

Bombs falling away from a Junkers Ju-87 Stuka dive-bomber. The photograph appears to have been taken from a following aircraft.
© IWM (IWM SR 10092)

Bombs fall away from a German Junkers Ju-87 Stuka dive-bomber.


4. Polish pilots

Two airmen of the Polish Air Force Depot at RAF Blackpool receiving instruction on the controls of an aircraft, probably a Vickers Wellington medium bomber, during ground training at Squires Gate aerodrome, 27 August 1940.
© IWM CH 1150

Two airmen of the Polish Air Force Depot at RAF Blackpool receive instruction on the controls of an aircraft during ground training at Squires Gate aerodrome, 27 August 1940.


5. Downtime

Spitfire pilots of No. 610 Squadron relaxing between sorties at 'A' Flight dispersal at Hawkinge, 29 July 1940.
© IWM (IWM SR 10049)

Spitfire pilots of No. 610 Squadron RAF relax between missions at RAF Hawkinge in Kent, 29 July 1940.


6. Captured

Surrounded by his captors, a Luftwaffe bomber crewman is given a drink of water from a British soldier's water bottle, after baling out of his aircraft. Caption dated 30 August 1940.
© IWM (IWM SR 11475)

A captured German bomber crewman drinks from a British soldier's water bottle after baling out of his aircraft, 30 August 1940.


7. Spitfires

Spitfires of No. 610 Squadron, based at Biggin Hill, flying in 'vic' formation, 24 July 1940. N3289 DW-K and R6595 DW-O nearest.
© IWM CH 740

Supermarine Spitfire Mark Is of No. 610 Squadron RAF fly in formation, 24 July 1940.


8. Radar stations

Chain Home: airmen and WAAF operators at work in the wooden Receiver hut at Ventnor CH, Isle of Wight, during the Battle of Britain.
© IWM C 1868

Airmen and Women's Auxiliary Air Force (WAAF) operators at work in the receiver hut of the radar station at Ventnor, on the Isle of Wight, during the Battle of Britain.


9. Dogfights

A still from camera gun film shows tracer ammunition from a Supermarine Spitfire Mark I of No. 609 Squadron RAF, flown by Flight Lieutenant J H G McArthur, hitting a Heinkel He 111 on its starboard quarter. These aircraft were part of a large formation from KG 53 and KG 55 which attacked the Bristol Aeroplane Company's works at Filton, Bristol, just before midday on 25 September 1940.
© IWM CH 1823

This camera gun film still shows tracer ammunition from an RAF Supermarine Spitfire Mark I, flown by Flight Lieutenant J H G McArthur, hitting a German Heinkel He 111. These aircraft were part of a large formation which attacked the Bristol Aeroplane Company's works at Filton, Bristol, just before noon on 25 September 1940.


10. Dogs

Sergeant Bohumil Furst of No. 310 (Czechoslovak) Squadron RAF is greeted by the squadron mascot on returning to RAF Duxford, Cambridgeshire, after a sortie in his Hawker Hurricane Mark I, 7 September 1940.
© IWM CH 1296

Sergeant Bohumil Furst of No. 310 (Czechoslovak) Squadron is greeted by the Squadron mascot on returning to RAF Duxford after a mission, 7 September 1940.


11. Know your enemy

The cockpit of a captured Heinkel He 111 undergoing examination, 2 October 1940.
© IWM HU 104726

An RAF airman examines the cockpit of a captured German Heinkel He 111, 2 October 1940.


12. Crashed

Locals watch as troops and police inspect Messerschmitt Bf 109E-1 (W.Nr. 3367) "Red 14" of 2./JG52, which crash-landed in a wheatfield at Mays Farm, Selmeston, near Lewes in Sussex, 12 August 1940. Its pilot, Unteroffizier Leo Zaunbrecher, was captured.
© IWM HU 50153

Locals watch as troops and police inspect a German Messerschmitt Bf 109 which crash-landed in a field near Lewes, Sussex. The pilot, Unteroffizier Leo Zaunbrecher, was captured.


13. Chatting

British Personalities: Squadron Leader Peter Townsend DSO DFC chatting with ground crew who are seated on his Hawker Hurricane at Wick, Scotland.
© IWM CH 87

Squadron Leader Peter Townsend chats with groundcrew sitting on his Hawker Hurricane at Wick, Scotland.


14. Marking the sky

Operations: Pattern of condensation trails left by British and German aircraft after a dog fight.
© IWM H 4219

Patterns of condensation trails left by British and German aircraft after a dogfight, 18 September 1940.


15. 'Mickey Mouse'

A member of staff at a technical college preparing to remove the 'Mickey Mouse' staffel emblem from the rear fuselage of a shot-down Messerschmitt Bf 109E4, 'Red 2', of 3./LG 2, 2 October 1940.
© IWM HU 88420

A member of staff at a technical college prepares to remove the 'Mickey Mouse' emblem from the rear fuselage of a shot-down German Messerschmitt Bf 109, 2 October 1940.


16. A place to sit

Schoolgirls sitting on part of a Nazi bomber which crashed near their farmhouse.
© IWM HU 106837

Schoolgirls sit on part of a Nazi bomber which crashed near their farmhouse, 16 August 1940.

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Sergeant Joan E Mortimer, Flight Officer Elspeth C Henderson and Sergeant Helen E Turner, recipients of the Military Medal for gallantry, standing outside damaged buildings at Biggin Hill, Kent. All three were WAAF teleprinter operators who stayed at their posts and continued to work the defence lines during the heavy Luftwaffe attacks on Biggin Hill on 1 September 1940.
© IWM CH 1550
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