
1. Supply Rabbit Furs!

A white rabbit with red eyes faces the viewer, peering over the top of the text panel. text: Kanin-Felle abliefern! an Händler und Zuchtvereine Das Heer braucht sie! HOLLERBAUM UND SCHMIDT BERLIN. N. 65 Gipkens Sammel-Zentrale: Kriegs-Fell - A.G. Leipzig.
© IWM (Art.IWM PST 2744)

Translation reads: 'Supply rabbit furs! To dealers and breeding associations. The Army needs them!'.


2. Good Books - Good Comrades

a shoulder-length depiction of a German infantryman reading a book, whilst standing at an open window frame. His pickelhaube is hung over the end of a rifle in the background right. text: Gute Bücher - gute Kameraden Oswald Weise 16. Gibst Du auch ost und vielerlei: Ein gutes Buch sei stets dabei! Lithographie und Offerdruck von F. A. Brockhaus, Leipzig.
© IWM (Art.IWM PST 0549)

Translation reads: 'Good books - good comrades. You too give often and of many kinds: may a good book always be at hand!'


3. What England Wants!

a full-length depiction of a blindfolded man carrying a large sack over his right shoulder. He steps towards the edge of a cliff, beneath which there is a fiery abyss. text: Cl. Hofmann Was England will! Nicht nur den Schmachtriem' Dir um Deine Lenden, Nein, bürdeschwer Dich in den Abgrund senden! Tappst, Michel, blindlings Du in Dein Verderben, Auf dass verfluchen einst Dich Deine Erben? Halt aus und sieg! Und gings ums letzte Brot! England darnieder oder - en'ge Not! R. W. Sch. Herausgeber: R. W. Schulze.
© IWM (Art.IWM PST 6624)

Translation reads: 'What England wants! Not only the belt of humiliation around your loins, no, to send you weighed down into the abyss! Are you tapping, Michel, blindly towards your calamity, towards the curses of your heirs? Hold out and triumph! Even if it’s the last loaf! England down or disaster!'


4. Field Uniforms of our Enemies in the West

Twenty-one examples of the uniforms of France, Great Britian and Belgium. These include French and British colonial troops' uniforms.


5. This is How it Would Look in German Lands

two French howitzers fire on a city on the banks of the Rhine. Large plumes of smoke rise from the industrial areas of the city. text: .EGON. 1918. TSCHIRCH. So Säh' es aus in deutschen Landen käm' der Franzose an den Rhein DRUCK: SELMAR BAYER, BERLIN SO. 36.
© IWM (Art.IWM PST 7194)

Translation reads: 'This is how it would look in German lands if the French reached the Rhine.'


6. Fishermen, Bring Train Oil!

a seal turning to look to the left, with three sailing boats in the background. text: Gipkens Fischer, schafft Tran heran! Fangt Tümmler u. Seehunde! Der Kriegsausschuss für Oele und Fette zahlt durch uns für jedes Stück im Mindestgewicht von 15 kg eine Prämie von 10,- ausserdem für jedes kg. Gewicht 1,50 (in Verwesung begriffene Tiere haben nur den halben Wert).
© IWM (Art.IWM PST 7590)

Translation reads: 'Fishermen, bring train oil! Catch dolphins and seals! The War Committee for Oils and Fats pays through us for each piece weighing at least 15 kg a premium of 10.00 plus for each kg weight 1.50 (decaying animals are only worth half as much). Seal furs 10.00.'


7. If the Plough is to Till the Field Peacefully, Donate Money!

a three-quarter length depiction of a German infantryman with his head turned in profile. He rests a sword on the ground with his right hand and holds onto a plough with his left hand. Factories with smoking chimneys are positioned in the background.
© IWM (Art.IWM PST 6610)

Translation reads: 'If the plough is to till the field peacefully, donate money! If German trade is to span the world, donate money! If the hero is to wield a sharp weapon powerfully, donate money!'


8. Collect Nettles!

a young girl wearing traditional Bavarian dress climbs a grassy hillside towards a patch of stinging nettles. She collects nettles in a sack. text: Sammelt Brennessel! GEIS 1918 Wenn ihr Kleidung und Faden wollt! AUSKUNFT: BAYER - NESSELSTELLE - MÜNCHEN - FÜRSTENSTR KUNSTANSTALT / O.CONSÉE / MÜNCHEN.
© IWM (Art.IWM PST 7691)

Translation reads: 'Collect nettles! If you want clothing and thread!'


9. If the Enemy’s Hate and Army Win

an impoverished German family group of a bearded man, a woman holding a baby and a young boy stand before an iron gate. They all wear winter clothing and the gate and wall behind them are dusted with snow.
© IWM (Art.IWM PST 7696)

Translation reads: 'If the enemy’s hate and army win, the workplaces will stand empty. Before closed doors, you’ll have to tie up your bundles in hunger.'


10. Imperial and Popular Charity Fund for the Army and the Navy

a shoulder-length depiction of three German infantrymen, appearing over the top of a trench. It is snowing, with the ground covered in a fine layer of snow. text: Kaiser= u. Volksdank für Heer und Flotte Frankfurter Weihnachtsgabe 1917 L.v. Schauroth Geldspenden: Theaterplatz 14, Büro 5 KUNST-ANSTALT WÜSTEN und Co. FRANKFURT A.M.
© IWM (Art.IWM PST 0462)

Translation reads: 'Imperial and Popular Fund for the Army and the Navy. Frankfurt Christmas Charity Day 1917. Contributions to 14 Theaterplatz, Office 5.'


11. The German War Pan - The War Memorial of the German Housewife

a metal cooking pan with text inscribed around the rim and bearing a motif of a German soldier shaking hands with a housewife. Flames rise from behind the pan.
© IWM (Art.IWM PST 7594)

Translation reads: 'The German war pan. The German housewife's way of demonstrating the committment to the war effort.’ The text around the pan reads: ‘World War 1916. The German housewife's sense of sacrifice. She gave copper away for iron.'

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