Unknown (Undefined) Fosh and Cross, London (printer) Her Majesty's Stationery Office (publisher/sponsor) Ministry Of National Insurance (publisher/sponsor)
Unknown (Undefined) Fosh and Cross, London (printer) Her Majesty's Stationery Office (publisher/sponsor) Ministry Of National Insurance (publisher/sponsor)
Lejava (Undefined) Kultura Muintézet, Budapest (printer) Közoktatási Népbiztosság Propaganda Csoport [People's Commissariat for Education, Propaganda Group] (publisher/sponsor)
Nádai (Undefined) Posner, Budapest (printer) Munkaügyiés Népjóléti Népbiztosság Kiadása [People's Commissariat of Labour and Health] (publisher/sponsor)
Unknown (Undefined) Chromoworks Ltd, Willesden, London (printer) Her Majesty's Stationery Office (publisher/sponsor) Ministry of Health (publisher/sponsor) Central Council for Health Education (publisher/sponsor)
Capon, Georges and Dorival, Georges (Undefined) Affiches Atlas, Paris (printer) Commission Américaine de Préservation Contre la Tuberculose en France (publisher/sponsor)
Capon, Georges and Dorival, Georges (Undefined) Imprimerie Cornille et Serre, Paris (printer) Commission Américaine de Préservation Contre la Tuberculose en France (publisher/sponsor)
Unknown (Undefined) Devambez Imprimerie, Paris (printer) Commission Américaine de Préservation Contre la Tuberculose en France [Croix-Rouge Américaine] (publisher/sponsor)
Unknown (Undefined) Chromoworks Ltd, Willesden, London (printer) Her Majesty's Stationery Office (publisher/sponsor) Ministry of Health (publisher/sponsor) Central Council for Health Education (publisher/sponsor)
Mount, Reginald (Undefined) Multi Machine Plates Ltd, London EC4 (printer) Her Majesty's Stationery Office (publisher/sponsor) Ministry of Health (publisher/sponsor)
Unknown (Undefined) Haycock Press, London (printer) Her Majesty's Stationery Office (publisher/sponsor) Ministry of Health (publisher/sponsor) Department Of Health For Scotland (publisher/sponsor) Central Council for Health Education (publisher/sponsor) Scottish Council for Health Education (publisher/sponsor)