Unknown (Undefined) J Eberle, Wien VII (printer) Kaiserlich-Königlich Arbeitsvermittlung an Kriegsinvalide, Wien (publisher/sponsor) Gesellschaft zur Fürsorge für Kriegsinvalide [Society for the Welfare of the War-Disabled] (publisher/sponsor)
Rouffé (Undefined) Coquemer Imprimerie, Paris (printer) Young Men's Christian Association [YMCA] (publisher/sponsor) Union Franco-Américaine (publisher/sponsor)
White, E (Undefined) Henry Hildesley Ltd, London (printer) United Nations Information Organisation (publisher/sponsor) Her Majesty's Stationery Office (publisher/sponsor)
R F (Undefined) Henry Hildesley Ltd, London (printer) United Nations Information Organisation (publisher/sponsor) Her Majesty's Stationery Office (publisher/sponsor)
von Suchodolski, Siegmund (Undefined) Gebrüder Reichel, Augsburg (printer) Volksbund zum Schutze der Deutschen Kriegs und Zivilgefangenen (publisher/sponsor)
von Suchodolski, Siegmund (Undefined) Gebrüder Reichel, Augsburg (printer) Volksbund zum Schutze der Deutschen Kriegs und Zivilgefangenen (publisher/sponsor)