Unknown (Undefined) Printing and Stationery Services, East Africa Command (printer) Directorate of Education and Welfare, East Africa Command (publisher/sponsor)
Eckersley, Tom (Undefined) Branson, J M (Undefined) Loxley Brothers Ltd, London and Sheffield (printer) Ministry of Labour and National Service (publisher/sponsor) Royal Society For The Prevention Of Accidents (publisher/sponsor)
Eckersley, Tom (Undefined) Trewin, Fred (Undefined) Loxley Brothers Ltd, London and Sheffield (printer) Ministry of Labour and National Service (publisher/sponsor) Royal Society For The Prevention Of Accidents (publisher/sponsor)
Mendoza (Undefined) Loxley Brothers Ltd, London and Sheffield (printer) Ministry of Labour and National Service (publisher/sponsor) Royal Society For The Prevention Of Accidents (publisher/sponsor)
Unknown (Undefined) Loxley Brothers Ltd, London and Sheffield (printer) Ministry of Labour and National Service (publisher/sponsor) Royal Society For The Prevention Of Accidents (publisher/sponsor)
Nachshen, Donia (Undefined) W R Royle and Son Ltd, London EC4 (printer) Board of Trade (publisher/sponsor) Her Majesty's Stationery Office (publisher/sponsor)
Lewitt-Him (Undefined) Stafford and Co Ltd, Netherfield, Nottingham (printer) Her Majesty's Stationery Office (publisher/sponsor) Ministry of War Transport (publisher/sponsor) Ministry of Labour and National Service (publisher/sponsor)
Brookshaw, Drake and Debenham, Doreen (Undefined) Johnson, Riddle and Co Ltd, London (printer) Ministry of Labour and National Service (publisher/sponsor) Her Majesty's Stationery Office (publisher/sponsor)
Nachshen, Donia (Undefined) W R Royle and Son Ltd, London EC4 (printer) Board of Trade (publisher/sponsor) Her Majesty's Stationery Office (publisher/sponsor)
Lewitt-Him (Undefined) Stafford and Co Ltd, Netherfield, Nottingham (printer) Her Majesty's Stationery Office (publisher/sponsor) Ministry of War Transport (publisher/sponsor) Ministry of Labour and National Service (publisher/sponsor)
Rouffé (Undefined) Coquemer Imprimerie, Paris (printer) Young Men's Christian Association [YMCA] (publisher/sponsor) Union Franco-Américaine (publisher/sponsor)