Keely Pat (recto) & Mendoza (verso) (Undefined) Loxley Brothers Ltd, London and Sheffield (printer) Ministry of Labour and National Service (publisher/sponsor) Royal Society For The Prevention Of Accidents (publisher/sponsor)
Unknown (Undefined) J Eberle, Wien VII (printer) Kaiserlich-Königlich Arbeitsvermittlung an Kriegsinvalide, Wien (publisher/sponsor) Gesellschaft zur Fürsorge für Kriegsinvalide [Society for the Welfare of the War-Disabled] (publisher/sponsor)
Dekk, Dorrit (Undefined) Fosh and Cross Ltd, London (printer) Ministry of Works Mobile Labour Force (publisher/sponsor) Ministry of Labour and National Service (publisher/sponsor) Her Majesty's Stationery Office (publisher/sponsor)
Harrison, Nat (Undefined) J Weiner Ltd, 71/5 New Oxford Street, London WC1 (printer) Her Majesty's Stationery Office (publisher/sponsor) Ministry of Aircraft Production (publisher/sponsor)
Harrison, Nat (Undefined) J Weiner Ltd, 71/5 New Oxford Street, London WC1 (printer) Her Majesty's Stationery Office (publisher/sponsor) Ministry of Aircraft Production (publisher/sponsor)