Unknown (Undefined) Rob Verlag (printer) Rob Verlag (publisher/sponsor) Webbs Film Vertriebsges, Wien [Webbs Film Distribution Co, Vienna] (publisher/sponsor)
W R [Austro-Hungarian] (Undefined) Schneider und Lur, Mödling (printer) Dr H Schürff, Mölding (publisher/sponsor) Der Kriegsfürsorge-Ausschuss der Deutschvölkischen Vereine Mödlings [War Welfare Committee of the German National Associations of
Mödling] (publisher/sponsor)
Popp, Oskar (Undefined) Kunstdruckerei S Malz, Berlin SW11 (printer) Reichsverband zur Unterstützung Deutscher Veteranen des Heeres und der Marine [National Association for the Support of German Army and Navy Veterans] (publisher/sponsor)