Bairnsfather, Bruce (Undefined) David Allen and Sons Ltd, 17 Leicester Street, London, W Belfast, Harrow, Liverpool, Glasgow, Dublin (printer) Oxford Theatre (publisher/sponsor)
Unknown (Undefined) Director General of Aircraft Production (publisher/sponsor) A E Mash, Public Relations Officer, Ministry of Aircraft Production (publisher/sponsor) De Havilland Aircraft of Canada Limited (publisher/sponsor)
Ferbey (Undefined) Affiches Marci, Brussel (printer) Vrijwillige Arbeidsdienst voor Vlaanderen [Voluntary Labour Service for Flanders] (publisher/sponsor)
Locke (Undefined) Thomas Forman and Sons Ltd, Nottingham (printer) Royal Air Force (publisher/sponsor) Her Majesty's Stationery Office (publisher/sponsor)
Locke (Undefined) Thomas Forman and Sons Ltd, Nottingham (printer) Royal Air Force (publisher/sponsor) Her Majesty's Stationery Office (publisher/sponsor)
Demmelné (Undefined) Kellner és Mohrlüder Muintézete, Budapest (printer) A Magyar Szent Korona Országai Vöröskereszt Egyletének [Red Cross Society of the Countries under the Hungarian Holy Crown] (publisher/sponsor) Lábadozó Sebesülteket Elhelyezo Bizottsága [Committee for the Employment of Reconvalescent Soldiers] (publisher/sponsor)