Mendoza (Undefined) Cusden (Undefined) Loxley Brothers Ltd, London and Sheffield (printer) Ministry of Labour and National Service (publisher/sponsor) Royal Society For The Prevention Of Accidents (publisher/sponsor)
Grimes (Undefined) Loxley Brothers Ltd, London and Sheffield (printer) Ministry of Labour and National Service (publisher/sponsor) Royal Society For The Prevention Of Accidents (publisher/sponsor)
Mendoza (Undefined) Unknown (Undefined) Loxley Brothers Ltd, London and Sheffield (printer) Ministry of Labour and National Service (publisher/sponsor) Royal Society For The Prevention Of Accidents (publisher/sponsor)
Rouffé (Undefined) Coquemer Imprimerie, Paris (printer) Young Men's Christian Association [YMCA] (publisher/sponsor) Union Franco-Américaine (publisher/sponsor)
Schawdanchian (Undefined) Etablissements Lecram, Paris (printer) Croix-Rouge Américaine [American Red Cross] (publisher/sponsor) Bureau des Enfants (publisher/sponsor)
White, E (Undefined) Henry Hildesley Ltd, London (printer) United Nations Information Organisation (publisher/sponsor) Her Majesty's Stationery Office (publisher/sponsor)