Object description
British seaman served as radar operator with Royal Navy aboard HMS Chanticleer in Mediterranean and Atlantic, 1943 and minesweeper HMS Poole in GB coastal waters and English Channel, 1944-1945, including Normandy landings, 6/1944.
Content description
REEL 1: Aspects of operations aboard HMS Chanticleer in Mediterranean and Atlantic, 1943: story of joining ship at Gourock, Scotland, early 1943; description of convoys between Londonderry and Halifax, Canada; role of ship in operations during invasion of Sicily, 7/1943; route and cargo; story about picking up Italian aircraft; various memories of Tripoli; movements along North African coast; story about exploring wreck of hospital ship; story about becoming ill after eating fruit and medical treatment on shore; description of sailing along North African coast; story about swimming in Bay of Tunis; story about U-boat patrol; description of six week convoy to Denmark; role as skimmer driver; duties delivering mail to crew; further description of convoy to Denmark; problem of bad weather and loss of skimmer; damage to ship; description of trips to base in America; memories of period in Bay of Placentia, Newfoundland, during repairs to ship; returned to sea, 1/Nov/1943; problem of cold weather; opinion of messing arrangements and food; description of aerial and mast; first contact with U-boats; story of climbing ladder to radar position in bad weather; description of acoustic torpedoes, 'rattlers', Asdic and hydrophones; story of pursuing and attacking U-boat; description of ship being torpedoed and damage caused, 18/Nov/1943; repair work and stabilisation of ship; story of being towed by tug to San Miguel, Azores; issued with new uniform and taken aboard US destroyer; comparison of living conditions aboard British and American ships including food and washing facilities.
REEL 2 Continues: description of voyage back to Portsmouth, GB and survivors' leave, 12/1943; drafted to minesweeper HMS Poole in English Channel; further description of HMS Chanticleer being torpedoed and casualties; opinion of captain Lt. Commander Bristow; nature of wound received on D-Day; description of painting ship; various memories of pre-war life and family; reason for joining Royal Navy; story of seeing mother during survivors' leave; description of Portsmouth Barracks, early 1944; description of hammock racks; description of basic training at HMS Glendower, Pwlleli, Wales, and RDF training on Isle of Man; description of training at sea and with Asdic; story of swimming off coast; previous experience of being at sea; daily routine and duties aboard ship; watch system; description of ship including armaments and radar; effect of bad weather on U-boat attacks; problem of sleeping during bad weather; description of 'gash' bucket'; sleeping arrangements and problem of overcrowding;
REEL 3 Continues: story about being sea sick after eating Spam fritters; description of medical facilities and treatment aboard ship; demobilisation; story about VE Day air raid practice; sporting activities. Aspects of operations aboard minesweeper HMS Poole in GB coastal waters and English Channel, 1944-1945: description of train journey from Fareham to join ship; description of ship; story about 1916 gun firing at Cherbourg; attitude to captain not using RDF; description of guns; duties in ship's office and problem of working out pay for crew; opinion of pay; role of ship along coast to Land's End prior to Normandy landings; opinion of Americans; training exercises; comparison of trawling and minesweeping; story about hoisting mine onto deck; description of acoustic and magnetic mines; location of ship; problems caused by bad weather; description of mines laid around Isle of Wight; morale of crew; role in shooting mines with gun; description of ship's role in landings at Utah Beach on D-Day, 6/Jun/1944; problem of tiredness and sleeping on metal deck; description of attack by dive bomber on nearby ship; story of land based guns cutting sweeping kit; description of anchoring at Cherbourg with assistance from Americans; problem of shortage of rations; role in operations following D-Day; story of attending advanced training course at Yeovilton; reaction to dropping of atomic bomb on Japan, 8/1945; story about brother in Far East; story of being reunited with parents at end of war; attitude to rationing in GB; description of sea water showers aboard ship; method of lacing shoes.
REEL 4 Continues: Aspects of post-war period in GB: reflections on wartime service with Royal Navy; story about Bevin Boys; opinion of pay on submarines; attitude to multi-national crew and different pay rates; method of keeping fit aboard ship; contacts with former ship mates; reason for not remaining in Royal Navy despite being offered promotion; story about haircut; further reflections on life at sea; further comments on dropping of atomic bomb on Japan; description of air raids in GB.