Object description
British seaman served with Royal Navy aboard HMS Wellington in the Atlantic, 1944-1945.
Content description
REEL 1: Aspects of operations aboard HMS Wellington in the Atlantic, 1944-1945: training at Chatham; joined ship in Sierra Leone; duties in pay office at HMS Eland; duties aboard ship including depth charges; reason for joining Royal Navy and reaction of family; description of living conditions aboard ship including food and messing arrangements; weather conditions in Sierra Leone; description of action station; story of first experience using telegraph; description of using hedgehog; organisation of Battle Class watch system and location of crow's nest; problem of fumes from funnel; recreational activities including playing mouth organ, wrestling matches on mess deck and sketching; communication with family and censorship of letters; description of swimming and regattas in Sierra Leone; story about greasy pole; description of re-fit in Bermuda including addition of new depth charges; role as lookout on bridge; opinion of Navigation Officer Commander Drayson; story about suspected U-boat in Spanish harbour; description of attacking U-boats; use of Asdic; story about shoal of fish killed by depth charge; problem of malfunctioning hedgehog; description of ship coming under attack in Gibraltar; further comments on hedgehog; story of U-boat surrendering; attitude to homesickness; further description of living conditions and messing arrangements; story about drunken officer; reaction to end of war and description of celebrations, 5/1945; medical facilities on board ship; story about Wellington Island; story about crew mate falling into camp fire; recreational activities including playing accordion; description of boxing compass; story about screen being swept overboard during film show; daily routine and duties on board ship.
REEL 2 Continues: attitude to home leave; memories of V1 raids; further description of convoy duties and encounters with U-boats; attitude to leaving wounded men in water; story about meeting Commander Drayson; reaction to seeing HMS Wellington now (2013); various memories of post-war service with Royal Navy until discharge, 1947; changing attitude to Royal Navy; description of operating hedgehog and use in attacking U-boats; description of rockets aboard ship; attitude to role of captain; description of bringing in U-boats; description of convoys to Gibraltar; story of ship coming under attack near Gibraltar.