Object description
British marine served with 42 Commando, Royal Marines in Federation of Malaya and British Borneo, 3/1962-12/1962 including Limbang Raid in Sarawak, British Borneo, 12/12/1962; served with 40 Commando, Royal Marines in British Borneo, 1963; NCO served with Reconnaissance Troop, 45 Commando, Royal Marines in Aden, Federation of South Arabia, 1964-1965; served with Royal Marines aboard HMS Mohawk in Persian Gulf, Indian Ocean, Mediterranean and Caribbean, 1965-1968; NCO served with 45 Commando, Royal Marines in GB, Norway, Caribbean and Northern Ireland, 1968-1970; served with Royal Marines at HMS Raleigh, Torpoint in GB, 1970-1972; served with 42 Commando, Royal Marines in Northern Ireland, United States of America and Cyprus, 1972-1973; various duties as NCO with Royal Marines in GB, Norway, Northern Ireland, 1973-1978
Content description
REEL 1 Background in Blythe, GB, 1943-1960: military service in family; education; period in United States of America. Aspects of enlistment in Royal Marines in GB, 1960: enlistment in Newcastle upon Tyne; selection process; journey to Deal. Recollections of training as marine with Royal Marines GB, 1961-1962: treatment by instructor at Royal Marines Depot Deal; stories illustrating method of training; drill; sea training at Portsmouth; move to Commando School, Lympstone; arms training; route marches on Dartmoor; kit issued; speed marching; endurance course including water tunnels.
REEL 2 Continues: marine who did endurance test with broken ankle; ethos of Royal Marines; nature of injuries and rations; presentation of green beret; emphasis on smart appearance; reasons for failing driving course. Aspects of operations as marine with 42 Commando, Royal Marines in Federation of Malaya and British Borneo, 3/1962-12/1962: joining unit in Singapore, Federation of Malaya, 3/1962; move to border with Thailand; incident of opening fire on wild pig in jungle; incident of marine being gourged by elephant; organisation of ambush; problems of keeping dry in jungle; method of crossing rivers; composition of patrol; patrol supplies and hygiene; evacuation from jungle by helicopters of 845 Naval Air Sqdn, Fleet Air Arm.
REEL 3 Continues: travelling in longboats; character of Khaki Drill (KD) kit; nature of training in north Borneo; section and troop attacks. Recollections of operations as marine with 42 Commando, Royal Marines during Limbang Raid in Sarawak, British Borneo, 12/12/1962: alert for move to British Borneo in Singapore, Federation of Malaya, 12/1962; flight to Kuching and landing under fire; briefing on situation in Limbang; ammunition carried; night journey down river; under fire from North Kalimantan National Army (TKNU) insurgents; casualties; landing on banks of river; fighting through town; firing on longboat; reaction to sight of dead marines in hospital; discovery of dead civilians; arrival of reinforcements; patrol to wireless station.
REEL 4 Continues: opinion of insurgent opposition; house clearing tactics; his promotion to acting lance corporal; insurgent fear of Dyaks; incident of accidental firearm discharge in which marine was killed, 24/12/1962; attitude to taking part in operation; question of importance of giving specific orders to Gurkhas. Aspects of operations as marine with 40 Commando, Royal Marines in Sarawak, British Borneo, 1963: situation in Sarawak; joining 40 Commando; area of responsibility; amusing story of problem with telephone wire; method of fishing; deployment to Gumbang; Indonesian attacks on positions at Gumbang; return to GB to attend sniper course.
REEL 5 Continues: Aspects of period as NCO with Reconnaissance Troop, 45 Commando, Royal Marines in Aden, Federation of South Arabia, 1964: background to drafting to unit; story of providing helicopter transport for officious officer with dead casualties; operations in Radfan including dealing with snipers; role of unit snipers; opinion of insurgent snipers; clothing worn and kit carried; return to GB. Aspects of period as NCO with Royal Marines aboard HMS Mohawk in Persian Gulf, Indian Ocean, Mediterranean and Caribbean, 1965-1968: role of marines on board ship; joining frigate at Portsmouth, GB; story of accidental firing gun on ship during training; prior recollection of how NCO with Parachute Regiment dealt with trouble in Aden; story of attachment to Sultan of Muscat and Oman's forces in Dhofar; duties on Beira Patrol; amusing story of Marine Cooper's invite to Princess Grace of Monaco to visit ship.
REEL 6 Continues: story of Marine Cooper's revenge on ship's first lieutenant; story of contact with wildlife in British Borneo; visit to leper colony in Seychelles; story of demotion of petty officer on board; story of relations between ship's cat and cook's duck on board; attending dance in Glasgow; promotion to sergeant; duties in Caribbean; amusing stories relating to Marine Campbell; rapid move to Antigua to deal with civil unrest; amusing story of Marine Campbell's role in dealing with insurgents; ashore in United States of America. Aspects of period as NCO with 45 Commando, Royal Marines in GB, Norway, Caribbean and Northern Ireland, 1968-1970: story of loss of officer's dog.
REEL 7 Continues: move to Caribbean; exercises in Norway; behaviour of unit members at RAF Brize Norton; move to Northern Ireland, 1969; mountain warfare course in Scotland; visit to Buckfast Abbey; amusing story of kidnapping of children's television character. Aspects of period as NCO with Royal Marines at HMS Raleigh, Torpoint, GB, 1970-1972: meeting future wife; working with troubled teenagers. Aspects of period as NCO with 42 Commando, Royal Marines in Northern Ireland, United States of America and Cyprus, 1972-1973: drafting to North Ireland for Operation Motorman, 31/7/1972; conditions in Northern Ireland, 1972; separation of communities; rules of engagement; opinion of United States Marine Corps personnel; exercises in Cyprus and Turkey.
REEL 8 Continues: story of acquiring water during exercise; memories of Colonel Jeremy Moore; area of responsibility during tour of Northern Ireland; duties with reconnaissance troop including method of getting into observation posts; amusing stories of tour; impressions of situation in Northern Ireland; incident of bomb being planted in petrol tanker; importance of humour. Aspects of various postings with Royal Marines in GB, 1974-1976 attending surveillance course in GB; work as sniper instructor.
REEL 9 Continues: duties with 3rd Commando Bde; attachment to 45 Commando, Royal Marines in Northern Ireland, 1976; amusing story of acquiring beer money; character of commando chaplain; attending aftermath of road side bomb in South Armagh; story of marines using Olympic Ski Jump in Norway; drafting to 41 Commando, Royal Marines as regimental sergeant-major; clash with Royal Danish Army military police; amusing story of regimental meal; deployment to Crossmaglen, Northern Ireland; incident of marine shooting up Crossmaglen Square; how commandos decorated nationalist statue in Crossmaglen square; incident of head of local Provisional Irish Republican Army (PIRA) making accusation against unit.
REEL 10 Continues: Aspects of period as NCO with 42 Commando, Royal Marines in GB and Norway, 1976: posting to Norway; problems with alcohol. Aspects of period as NCO with Commando Training Centre, Royal Marines, Lympstone, GB, 1976-1978: posting to school; leaving Royal Marines; conversation with Commandant General on leaving; attitude towards service with Royal Marines; nature of medical problem.