Object description
British private served with 1st Bn, Essex Regt in GB and Korea, 1953; served detached with Advanced Liaison Dept, No 1 Independent Field Records, 1st Commonwealth Div in Korea and Japan, 1953-1954
Content description
REEL 1 Recollections of background in Ilford, 1934-1939: family background and social circumstances; outbreak of war, 3/9/1939;. Recollections of evacuation with school to Uffercombe, ca 9/1939-10/1940: reception; billets and treatment; relationship with local children; homesickness; movements between billets and treatment as evacuee; misbehaviour; reactions to countryside; return home with mother. Recollections of period in Ilford, 1940-1952: sleeping in underground station; education; local anti-aircraft guns; blackout; Anderson and Morrison shelters; nature of German air raids and personal morale; collecting shrapnel and playing on bombsites; call up of father; following progress of war; story of close escape on being buried alive by V1, ca 6/1944.
REEL 2 Continues: story of close escape on being buried alive by V1, ca 6/1944, including rescue by fireman, injuries, hospitalisation and demolition of house; view of D Day preparations, 6/1944; sharing crowded accommodation with relatives; effect of facial injuries; move into requisitioned house; effects of close escape from V2; temporary accommodation in church hall; personal morale and development of claustrophobia; father's compassionate leave and effects of war on relationship; street party, 8/5/1945; education and interest in art; swimming and speedway activities; works as fruit barrow buy, 1949-1950; work as apprentice tiler, 1950-1952.
REEL 3 Continues: background to call up, 11/1952. Training with Army Cadets, Essex Regt, Gordon Road, Ilford, 1948-1952: recruitment; kitting out; drill; weapons training; PT; weekend training I fieldcraft and tactical exercises; annual camp. Recollections of conditions of service, lifestyle and daily routine during basic training at Essex Regt Depot, Warley Barracks, Brentwood, 11/1952-2/1953: reception; hair cut; kitting out; barrack room accommodation; morning routine; food rations; preparing for room and kit inspections; reactions to 'spit and polish'.
REEL 4 Continues: PT including milling, cross country runs and assault courses; drill; weapons training including Bren gun, Sten gun, hand grenades and bayonet; patrol training and exercises; gas mask training as child; canteen and playing harmonica; recreational visits to Brentwood and Ilford; relationship with recruits, instructors and officers; passing out parade including competition between squads and selection as best recruit. Recollections of attending NCOs' cadre course at Blenheim Barracks, Bury St Edmunds, 2/1953: nature of training learning to instruct; passing course and promotion to lance corporal.
REEL 5 Continues: Period at Essex Regt, Depot, Warley Barracks, Brentwood, 2/1953: training role; working parties on sandbags during Canvey Island floods; relationship with ORs; Sten gun training incident; training on rifle range including precautions against IRA and story of sentry challenging colonel's car; story of arrest for disobeying unreasonable order and loss of rank, 5/1953; awaiting posting. Period with D Coy, 1st Bn, Essex Regt at Warley Barracks, Brentwood, 5/1953-6/1953: first impressions on return of unit from Germany; marriage during embarkation leave, 6/1953; kit issued. Voyage aboard Asturias to Pusan, Korea, 6/1953-7/1953: messdeck conditions; question of seasickness; lookout duties; route; visits ashore; reception at Pusan; period in Pusan Transit Camp; situation. Recollections of periods detached to Advanced Liaison Dept, No 1 Independent Field Records, 1st Commonwealth Div at Pusan, Korea and Kure, Japan, 8/1953-10/1954: role of units maintaining personnel records; guard role; selection for water polo team; voyage to Kure.
REEL 6 Continues: Continues: water polo activities; carrying personnel documentation between Pusan and Kure; lifesaving and swimming training in pool; bivouac tent accommodation; lack of contact with South Korean civilians; concert party activities based at Kure; conditions of service; return to duties with ALD; escorting Colonel Carne when released from North Korea; attending battle training course at Haramura Camp including relationship with instructors, attachment to Canadian instructor, firing Vickers machine gun, close escape during accidental Sten gun discharge incident and stories of battle reconnaissance exercises.
REEL 7 attending battle training course at Haramura Camp including night patrols, live firing, training with tanks during Operation Commonwealth and firing Bazooka rocket launch; local leave in Tokyo; relationship with Japanese civilians and workers; nature of duties; visit to Hiroshima; sporting activities; question of 'spit and polish'; visit to 1st Bn, ER on Hill 355, Kowang San area; move to 1st Bn, ER to Hong Kong. Voyage aboard Empire Fowey to GB, 10/1954: cabin accommodation; issuing bedding; impact of Elvis Presley music; story of seeing whales; visit ashore at Hong Kong; reception from customs in GB; problems carrying kit on London underground. Period at Essex Regt Depot, Warley Barracks, Brentwood, 10/1954-11/1954: leave and meeting daughter for first time.
REEL 8 Continues: demobilisation. Post-service career: return to apprenticeship and career as tiler; question of acclimatising to civilian lifestyle; service with 4th Bn, Essex Regt, Gordon Road Drill Hall, Ilford, 1954-1959, including attending drill nights, annual camps, snorkel jeep tests, background to extending term and eventually leaving unit, 1959; period as reservist; membership and activities as standard bearer with British Korean Veterans Assoc; visits to South Korea.