Object description
British private served with 2/5th Bn Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regt (Sherwood Foresters) in North Africa, Italy, Egypt, Palestine, Greece and Austria, 1943-1946; served with 2nd Bn Loyal North Lancashire Regt in Austria, 1946
Content description
REEL 1 Background in Derby, GB, 1919-1942: family; education and interest in sport; memories of childhood; civilian work as apprentice coach builder; attendance at night school; knowledge of events in Europe; blackouts set up; outbreak of war; conversion of American cars into ambulances; smoke screens set up around Rolls Royce; fire watching duties; air raids; rationing; arrival of call-up papers in 1940; problems with Bell's palsy and treatment received; early medicals; eventual acceptance into army; posted to Lincoln Barracks. Aspects of period as private in GB, 1942- 1943: reception on arrival; issue of kit; accommodation; reveille; physical training; opinion of rations; drill; weapons training; bayonet training; opinion of bayonet training; opinion of bren gun; gas precaution training; preparations for and opinion of kit inspections.
REEL 2 Continues: evening activities; details of pay; written work and exams; learning to ride motorcycle; opinion of BSA Triumph Trident motorcycles; maintenance training; description of bren carrier; learning to drive bren carrier; use of bren carrier; length of course; posting to Yarmouth with Sherwood Foresters. Aspects of period as private with Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regt (Sherwood Foresters) in GB, 1942: opinion of posting; anti-aircraft duties in Yarmouth; fire watching and coastal defence duties; exercises; posting abroad; knowledge of destination; embarkation leave; meeting with brothers in Chatham; journey from London to Derby; reaction of parents to posting abroad; further details of embarkation leave; journey to Liverpool. Aspects of journey from Liverpool, GB, to Algiers, Algeria, 1943: seasickness; sleeping arrangements; conditions onboard; joining of convoy at; route taken and condition of sea; first impressions of Algiers; training received at Blida. Aspects of operations as private with 2/5th Bn Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regt (Sherwood Foresters) in North Africa, 1943: posting in carrier platoon; memories of Wally Binch and entertainments; memories of NCOs; crew of first carrier; details of route marches; invasion training at Bizerte; air raids; story of guarding camp at Blida; settling into unit; knowledge of destination; reactions to going into action.
REEL 3 Continues: posting in Headquarters Company; story of a concert party; air raid on camp; voyage to Salerno; position in ship; air activity. Aspects of operations as private with 2/5th Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regt (Sherwood Foresters) in Italy, 9/1943-2/1944: landing and movement up beach; opposition faced; movement inland and assembly; arrival of bren carriers; activities before counter attack including details of reconnaissance patrols in Salerno area; positions occupied; rations; German counter attack; reaction to coming under fire; arrival and location of bren carriers and drivers; advance to Veitri and accommodation; story of chimney shelled in Vietri; following of bren carriers; terrain; opposition faced; use of bren carriers; formation of battle patrol learned during course; transport and firing of bren gun; other weapons carried by patrol; story of first battle patrol including clothing worn; reconnaissance patrol on Volturno River; crossing of Volturno; awareness of casualties among infantry; story of patrol in minefield; mining of roads; action at MonteCamino; German POWs and burial of casualties; attitude toward German POWs.
REEL 4 Continues: story of patrol at Rocca di Vandra; taking of POWs; crossing of River Camino; story of operations at a church; coping with being in action; air activity; troops losing nerve and effects of stress; weather; conditions in trenches at Monte Cassino; need for care in trenches and shelling faced; rest periods at B Echelon; relationship with civilians; hangovers from wine; movement of advance; wounding and memories of 2nd Lieutenant Thompson; use of grenades; reaction to being pulled out of line; journey to Egypt. Aspects of period as private with 2/5th Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regt (Sherwood Foresters) in Middle East, 2/1944-8/1944: arrival in Alexandria; story of fight in Union Jack Club and parade the following morning; camp at Qassassin; problems with whirlwinds; football; posting in Palestine; fruit available; training with bren carriers; leave in Jerusalem; bets on egg eating; relationships among civilians and places visited in Middle East; reactions to return to Italy. Aspects of operations as private with 2/5th Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regt (Sherwood Foresters) in Italy, 8/1944-12/1944: role with bren carriers; story of long battle patrol including time in San Marino; state on return to battalion.
REEL 5 Continues: story of town taken after initial withdrawal; action at Montevecchio; description of street fighting; death of a Lance Corporal on River Cosina; action on River Cosina; description of coming under mortar fire; attitude towards situation including story of shooting comrades during a battle patrol; casualties and action in final attack; withdrawal to Forli; journey to and role in Greece; memories of flight in Douglas Dakota. Aspects of period as private with 2/5th Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regt (Sherwood Foresters) in Greece, 12/1944-3/1945: arrival and posting in Salonica; accommodation; situation and duties in Greece; knowledge of ELAS; activities during day; hospitalisation and journey to Athens; relationship with civilians; story of removing Private Teale's tooth; drinking Ouzo; visits to bars; accommodation in Athens; treatment; leisure activities; journey to Italy. Aspects of operations as private with 2/5th Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regt (Sherwood Foresters) in Italy, 3/1945-5/1945: advance onto plains; wounding during celebrations at end of war; journey to Austria. Aspects of period as private with 2/5th Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regt (Sherwood Foresters) in Austria, 1945-1946: posting in Deutschlandsberg; relationship with civilians; details of patrols; story of firing squad taken to Graz; learning to ride horses gained from Cossacks.
REEL 6 Continues: posting to ordnance centre; duties; return to unit and relationship with civilians; battalion band; later holiday to Austria; activities in Ladenitz including duties as company commander's driver; stories from visits to farewell parties; driving of jeep; duties at LIAP camp in Sedan; reaction to breaking-up of 2/5th Battalion. Aspects of period as private with 2nd Bn Loyal North Lancashire Regt in Austria, 1946: posting with Loyals; joining of football team; duties; reaction to demobilisation; children left in Austria; duties and activities in Vienna; story of late return to camp and punishment given; entertainments; listening to FA Cup Final; accommodation in Ladenitz; story of dance party in 2/5th Sherwood Foresters; leave in GB; story of hospitalisation after burning vocal chords with schnapps; duties in hospital; stories of fellow patients; return to battalion; news of demobilisation; process of demobilisation at Aldershot; reception on return home. Aspects of period as civilian in GB from 1946: settling into civilian life; opinion of mother; importance of Regimental Association.