Object description
British signaller served aboard HMS Saltash in GB coastal waters and off Normandy, 1944; served with Naval Party 100 in Soviet Union, 1944-1945
Content description
REEL 1 Recollections of background in Warwick, 1924-1943: family background and social circumstances; education; work in engineering factories, 1938-1940; reactions to outbreak of war, 3/9/1939; service with Home Guard based at Lockheed Factory, 1940, including story of firing on Wellington; work on lathe manufacturing parts for Bofors gun at Nuffield Factory, Gosford Street, Coventry, 1940; story of working on night shift at Nuffield Factory during Coventry Blitz, 14/11/1940, including story of local eccentric, gambling in shelter, close escape from bombs, effects of bombing and consequent disruption of factory work; question of introduction of women and boys into factory; restricted transport; rationing; German air raid on Coventry, 4/1941; recreations; story of loss of finger in work accident, 1942; background to loss of reserved occupation status and call up as signaller into Royal Navy, 1/1943.
REEL 2 Recollections of conditions of service, lifestyle and daily routine during training at HMS Royal Arthur Shore Station, Skegness, 1/1943-6/1943: reception; kitting out; chalet accommodation; food rations; divisions parade; drill; learning signal flags and semaphore; learning Morse code on flags, wireless and lamps; assessment and use of flag signals during drill; PT; absence of 'spit and polish'; room inspections; recreational visits to Skegness; relationship with recruits and instructors; vaccinations; relationship with officers; naval codes and ciphers; fire brigade duties and training on Climax tender; punishment drill.
REEL 3 Continues: final examination. Period at Pembroke Barracks, Chatham, 6/1943: joining routine; detachment to Cookham Wood Camp; routine on draft. Period as ordinary signaller at Languard Fort, Felixstowe, 7/1943-12/1943: signal station role; watch system; use of signal lamps; story of challenging damaged MTB; passing signals to Harwich; conditions of service. Period at Chatham, 12/1943-2/1944. Recollections of period as ordinary signaller aboard HMS Saltash, 4th Minesweeping Flotilla based at Portland, 2/1944-9/1944: first impressions on joining ship, 2/1944; question of foreign service leave; nature of communications ratings messdeck; canteen messing system, role of cooks of mess and food; run ration; cocoa; duties on bridge during minesweeping; relationship with officers and opinion of Lieutenant Commander Ballantyne.
REEL 4 Continues: exercise sin different techniques of minesweeping; clearing old British minefields; story of evading mine drifting in front of ship; shooting at surfaced mines; story of being aboard whaler during attempt to recover paravane; question of seasickness and effect of 'Portland races'; relationship with lower deck and petty officers; crew morale; recreational visits to Weymouth and relationship with US sailors; aft emergency signal station; captain's inspection rounds; importance of cleanliness and hygiene; washing clothes; latrines; recreations including 'ukkers' and question of gambling; pay; emergency call out and minesweeping Slapton Sands area after E Boat attack on US troops, 5/1944; briefing for D-Day role.
REEL 5 Continues: move into mid-Channel position; postponement of D Day; night minesweeping in front of US invasion sector, 6/6/1944; close escape from bombs dropped by US Liberators; story of losing anchor after drifting in storm off Swansea; period based at Swansea; minesweeping off Ireland; period based at Stornaway; paying off, ca 9/1944. Period at Pembroke Barracks, Chatham and Cookham Woods Camp, Rochester, 9/1944-2/1945. Recollections of period with Naval Party 100 at Polyarno, Soviet Union, 2/1945-10/1945: weather conditions during voyage out aboard HMS Bellona in convoy to Kola Inlet; billets; telephone duties and role checking weather forecasts; duties on detachment to Michekov signal station including conditions of service, attending local dance, ships present and relationship with Soviet civilians; return aboard HMS Cassandra to Poyarno; VE Day celebrations and question of Soviet reactions, 8/5/1945; Soviet refusal of exit visas; minimal duties; Soviet sports days; conditions of service; VJ Day celebrations, 8/1945; question of letter contact with family and father's illness.
REEL 6 Continues: evacuation aboard Empire Lifeguard to GB, 10/1945, including story illustrating attitude of Soviet customs officer and stormy weather. Period at Pemborke Barracks, Chatham, 1-/1945-1/1945: reception; state of uniform; detachment as instructor to Braintree. Period aboard HMS Arethusa, Reserve Fleet at Chatham Dockyard, 1/1945-3/1946. Background to promotion to leading seaman with Naval Party 100, 1945. Period at Hoo Camp, ca 3/1946-6/1946: shore patrols with naval police; demobilisation, 6/1946. Post-war career: return to work for engineering firms; review of police career; value of wartime service; friendship with German naval veteran; membership of Royal Naval Assoc.