Object description
British bugler served with Lancashire Hussars Yeomanry in GB, 1908-1916; served with 1/1st Lancashire Hussars Yeomanry, 18th Bn King's Liverpool Regt and 13th Observation Group on Western Front, 1916-1918
Content description
REEL 1: Aspects of period as bugler with Lancashire Hussars in GB, 1908-1916: enlistment as boy bugler in Warrington, 1908; description of training and duties as bugler; memory of camps in Wales and on Isle of Man; training at riding school in St Helens; story of German POW on Western Front; story of requisitioning horses in Warrington; posted to France, 1/1916; description of journey at night from Southampton to Le Havre. Aspects of operations with 1/1st Lancashire Hussars and 18th Bn King's Liverpool Regt on Western Front, 1916-1918: journey on horseback to camp; relations with French civilians; posted to Poperinghe sector, Belgium; nature of daily duties including road mending and guarding German POWs; 1/1st Lancashire Hussars dismounted and posted to 18th Bn King's Liverpool Regt for infantry training, 9/1917; moved into line and posted to machine gun section in No Man's Land.
REEL 2 Continues: description of role as bomber during German dawn attack; story of receiving Military Medal for part in successfully repelling German attack question of fear; memory of being presented medal ribbon by Hunter-Weston and opinion of Hunter-Weston; description of conditions in trenches; problem of injured toe and hospital treatment. Aspects of period with 13th Observation Group on Western Front, 1918: story of passing examination and transferring to 13th Observation Group; posted to observation post on hill above town; nature of duties marking gun flashes; description of German attack, 21/Mar/1918; memory of Corporal Webb; story of observation post in chimney; problem of contracting influenza and treatment in hospital at Lille, 1918; description of symptoms and memory of other patients; returned to GB and demobilised, 1919.