Object description
British civilian schoolchild and chemist with Chemical Defence Research Establishment in St Helens, GB, 1921-1942
Content description
REEL 1 Recollections of period as child and chemist with Chemical Defence Research Establishment in St Helens, GB, 1921-1942: description of family home; family; neighbours in Cecil Street; family members' military service in First World War; moves prior to obtaining council house; description of council house; childhood games and activities; bonfire night; father's political views.
REEL 2 Continues: first wireless set; education; initial employment on leaving school, 1936; description of early railway trials at Rainhill; history of coal mining in area.
REEL 3 Continues: effects of General Strike on coal miners, 1926; father's political activities during General Strike, 1926; description of coal spoil heaps; conditions for coal miners and rescue activities; origins and nature of chemical industry in St Helens area; polluted character of St Helens; conditions for workers in chemical industry.
REEL 4 Continues: effects of Sulphuric Acid production on chemical workers and polluted character of town; glass production waste; subsidence in St Helens area; conditions of mines in St Helens area; fishing activities and acquiring bait; cinema visits; reaction to seeing film 'All Quiet on the Western Front' (1930); childhood activities; trams and trolleybuses; trips on uncle's steam lorry.
REEL 5 Continues: ventilation shafts for local mines; winding mechanism in local mines; nature of coal mining work in St Helens area; further details of childhood activities; question of dealing with bullies; community ties; origins of Beecham Group Ltd pharmaceutical factory.
REEL 6 Continues: processions and community celebrations; local political activities; wearing of clogs by local populace; cross-country running in area; further details of fishing activities. Aspects of period as aircraftman in Royal Air Force and officer with Fleet Air Arm in GB and United States of America, 1942-1945: sings extracts from songs popular with Royal Air Force and Fleet Air Arm; story of receiving instruction on Lee Enfield Rifle; rates of pay.
REEL 7 Continues: pay for Fleet Air Arm officers; receiving tax demand on leaving Fleet Air Arm; enrolling in college after service with Fleet Air Arm.