Object description
British officer served with 6th Field Regt in Egypt, 1952-1953; served with 307 Regt Royal Artillery in GB, 1953-1960
Content description
REEL 1 Recollections of background in Widmapool, 1931-19: social circumstances; education; question of effects of war, 1939-1945; studying building technology at Manchester Technical College, 1949-1951; influence of Colonel Peter Birkin; training with Combined Cadet Force, 1945-1949; call up and choice of Royal Artillery, 10/1951. Recollections of period with 68 Regt and 17th (Training) Regt, Royal Artillery at Parkhall Camp, Oswestry, 10/1951-1/1952: gun drill on 25pdr gun; value of competitive approach; guard duty; relationship with recruits and instructors; rugby activities.
REEL 2 Continues: drill; vaccinations; PT; importance of regimental history; boxing competition; hut accommodation; absence of stealing; unit selection board interviews for possible commission; attending War Office Selection Board including interviews, initiative tests, assault course and results; food rations and canteen. Recollections of attending Mons College, Aldershot, 1/1952-5/1952: initial infantry training; opinion of drill instructors; special drill training for pass out parade; lectures; gunnery training including map reading, setting up gun positions and observation post training on miniature range.
REEL 3 Continues: gunnery exercises at Sennybridge ranges; troop party; question of behaviour as officer; weekend leave; cadet required to repeat gunnery course; passing out parade and commission, 5/1952; question of posting and role of Colonel Peter Birkin. Voyage aboard Empire Trooper to Port Said, Egypt, 6/1952. Recollections of period with 6th Field Regt, RA at Fayid Camp, 6/1952-9/1953: prior period in transit camp; joining unit; fatality during rifle training; reception as National Service officer; role as gun position officer; relationship with NCOs; shortages of men and requirements for various guard duties; organisation of training; relationship with ORs and importance of personal driver; tent accommodation; latrines; prevalence of stomach complaints and dysentery.
REEL 4 Continues: guard duties on various key installations and camps; casualties and increasing restrictions on freedom of movement; political situation; situation of German civilians working in power station; story of collecting women from Cairo for gunners ball to celebrate Coronation Day, 1953; state of equipment and Sexton 25pdr self propelled guns; pattern of annual training; problems map reading in desert; use of Cromwell tanks as OPs; individual, troop and battery training; problems with reliability of vehicles and necessity of keeping personal kit close by; story illustrating ease of getting lost at night.
REEL 5 Continues: regimental training; shortages of ammunition; divisional exercises including of prevalence of friendly fire incidents and stories illustrating confused situation; inadequacy of 19 wireless sets; story of inexperienced officer leading brigade exercise; nature of officers' mess; Asian tailoring and laundering services; drinking habits; officers' club; exposure to sun and lack of precautions; story of annual brigadier's inspection; flight back to GB and customs checks. Demobilisation 9/1953. Recollections of service with 520 and 425 Btys, 307 Regt, <South Notts Hussars>, Royal Artillery at Bullwell Barracks, Nottingham, ca 1953-1960: reception and posting as gun position officer to 520 Bty; opinion of Colonel Arthur Warburton; value of National Service experience; 'Z' Reserve system and test mobilisations; competitive approach between batteries.
REEL 6 bounty payments; drill hall nights; nature of weekend training; nature of annual camps including four day exercise, live firing, officers' guest nights, organising impromptu sports day, recreations and story of stolen bust 'Oscar'; reaction to replacement of Sextons with 25pdr guns; story illustrating boggy conditions at Otterburn Camp; reduced speed of operations with 25pdrs; role of safety officer; comparison of Lerkhill and Otterburn Camps; story of practical jokes; playing liar dice; opinion of Colonel Tom Foreman Hardy.
REEL 7 Continues: role as troop commander; role as battery captain with 425 Bty; stories illustrating role as OP officer; sergeants; mess parties and boat races; opinion of Major Peter Featherby; attending civil defence camp at Millom Camp including acting as battery commander, problems with discipline and dislike of lectures; background to rejection of promotion to battery commander sand decision to leave unit, ca 1960; story of firing royal salute at Forest Ground; officers' ball; membership of SNH Assoc; question of role of Territorial Army.