Object description
British private served with Tientsin Municipal Emergency Corps in Tientsin, China, 1936-1937; private and officer served with London Scottish Regt in GB, 1937-1945; served with Bergedorg Displaced Persons Camp in Germany, 1945-1946
Content description
REEL 1 Background in China and GB, 1918-1936: details of birthplace Tientsin; family; details of life and education in Tientsin; contact with civilian including workers in home; contact with Royal Navy and British Army [Short Reel].
REEL 2 Continues: education in Tientsin; decision of parents to send Davis to King's School in Canterbury, 1932; details of journey to GB; arrival in London; first impressions of Britain; attitude towards Britain; family in Sandhurst, Kent; arrival at King's School; uniform; bullying received; discipline; mail and question of missing parents; details of education including training for Imperial Service and membership of Officers Training Corps; description of holidays in Kent and Sussex including contact with parents; end of education. Aspects of journey from London, GB, to Tientsin, China, 1936: diary kept during journey; train journey to Harwich; journey to and activities in Berlin; journey into Soviet Union; arrival in Moscow; impressions of Germany and Soviet Union.
REEL 3 Continues: stay in Moscow; details of journey on Trans-Siberian railway including memories of fellow passengers; situation and scenes in Manchuria. Aspects of period as civilian in China, 1936-1937: family holiday in Peitaiho; period as father's apprentice in stock broking business; earlier visits to Army School of Physical Training in Aldershot; period as part-time physical training teacher; memories of Eric Liddell and missionaries in China; family home and life; news of Edward VIII; British Ceremonials in Tientsin; other nationalities in Tientsin; details of badges gained.
REEL 4 Continues: events in Northern China, 1937; approach of fighting to Tientsin and international concessions; mobilisation and summary of training. Aspects of operations as private with Tientsin Municipal Emergency Corps in Tientsin, China, 1937: guard duties and barricades erected; cooperation with other nationalities; British Army presence in Tientsin; Royal Navy presence in China; American troops in Tientsin; reasons for need for volunteer force; story of incident on Marco Polo bridge; Japanese treatment of Chinese civilians; reaction to events; details of Chinese Army; opinion of threat posed by Communists; description of Japanese air power; return to GB, 1937; later ownership of family summer home by Zhou en Lai; reactions on return to GB; journey to GB; civilian life and work; joining of Territorial Army. Aspects of period as private and officer with London Scottish Regt in GB, 1937-1945: details and activities of unit; posting to transport company; annual camp; leisure activities; details of attendance at Debutante Dances.
REEL 5 Continues: doubling of Territorial Army and gaining of commission, 6/1939; buying of uniform; opinion of importance of previous military experience and regulars in Territorial Army; mobilisation and posting to East India Docks; outbreak of war; capture of a German ship; routine during phoney war; relationship with Dockers and civilians; memories of air raids; posting as billeting officer in Middlesex; accommodation; officers mess; duties; posting to Milford-on-Sea; area of coast guarded; details of duties and defences including expectation of invasion and opinion of chances against one; story of escorting prisoner to Winchester; story of visit from King George VI and Queen Elizabeth on Brighton Downs; reason for not serving abroad; duties at Gordon Highlanders Depot in Aberdeen; other postings before end of war.
REEL 6 Continues: background to joining Special Operations Executive; training received at Baker Street; reason for leaving Special Operations Executive. Aspects of period as officer at Bergedorf Displaced Persons Camp in Germany, 1945-1946: make-up of draft; accommodation; role in camp; background of inmates; forced repatriation of Russians; accommodation in camp; work with displaced persons; transport; relationship with civilians; state of Hanover and civilians; story of return trip to Germany in 2005. Aspects of period as civilian in GB, India, Tanganyika and Rhodesia from 1946: period living in Birmingham; civilian work with Dunlop in India; events witnessed in Delhi at time of partition, 1947; move to Calcutta and differences there; reactions to Indian Independence and its organisation; reason for leaving India; civilian work in Tanganyika mica business, 1950-1963; wife's involvement in handover of local government at time of independence; strong women in family including daughter-in-law Helen Clark, Prime Minister of New Zealand, 1999-2008.
REEL 7 Continues: formation and departure from Tanzania; discussion of Julius Nyere's policies; opinion of why independence worked in India long term but not Africa; period in Rhodesia including opinion of Unilateral Declaration of Independence and Ian Smith; discussion of changes in China; reflections after return to India.