Object description
British aircraftwoman served as Barrage Balloon Operator with Women's Auxiliary Air Force in GB, 1941-1945
Content description
REEL 1: Background in Bearpark, Co Durham, GB, 1921-1941: family; daily life and living conditions; father's employment as miner; memory of selling fruit from garden; discipline; childhood games; religious beliefs; education; left school at 14; employment in shoe shop in Durham; wages; pocket money; problem of father going on strike and lack of money; memory of soup kitchen; memory of outbreak of war, 3/Sep/1939; social life and recreational activities; relatives in forces; employment as debt collector and wages; memory of poverty in area; reaction of parents to joining forces.
REEL 2 Continues: family life; story of volunteering for Women's Auxiliary Air Force, 1941; reason for interest in barrage balloons; enlistment procedure; medical. Aspects of training with Women's Auxiliary Air Force in GB, 1941: posted to No 2 WAAF Depot at Innsworth, Gloucester, 10/1941.description of uniform; opinion of accommodation; relations with other recruits; washing facilities; cleaning room; kit inspections; breakfast; daily routine; physical training; drill; lectures including VD; memory of local dance; punishments; evening meal; posted to Morecambe Bay for basic training; posted to No 4 Balloon Centre, Chigwell;description of balloon training; wire and rope splicing; winch driving; lifting by drill numbers; winching balloon down; tethering of balloon; purpose of balloon.
REEL 3 Continues: description of barrage balloon; inflation of balloon; memory of balloon exploding; repairs; identification of balloons; winching by drill numbers; tethering of balloons; sites named after animals; water jacket with hot water; crew of six; location of balloons; problem of bad weather. Aspects of period as aircraftwoman with Women's Auxiliary Air Force in GB, 1941-1945: posted to Site 33, Portsmouth, 1941; NCOs in charge; relations with male colleagues; shift system; not issued with any weapons; daily routine and duties; cleaning and maintenance of balloon and winching gear; billets; recreational activities and social life; posted to Finsbury Park, London, 1942; cookery course; posted to Bill Quay site, Newcastle
REEL 4 Continues: description of Bill Quay site and duties; morale; posted to camp in Belfast and description of clerical duties; problem of wearing uniform in Falls Road area; attitude of Irish people; demobilised, 1945; issued with clothing coupons; pay and gratuity. Reflections on period of military service: problem of adjusting to civilian life; employment.