Object description
Austrian Jewish medical volunteer served with 14th Bde in Spain, 1937-1939, during Spanish Civil War
Content description
REEL 1 Background in Vienna, Austria, 1912-1937: memories of life during First World War; siblings; religion and question of anti-Semitism; education; work of father; political situation in Austria including own involvement; rise in anti-Semitism, 1930s; university education including meeting of husband; rise of fascism in Europe; organisation of socialist party after 1934; civilian work.
REEL 2 Continues: ban of contact with Spain; marriage and departure of husband for Spain; reason for not travelling with husband; knowledge of situation in Spain and assistance from around Europe; preparations for passage to Spain; method of getting mail to husband. Aspects of period in transit from Paris, France, to Madrid, Spain, 1937: make-up of group; items left in Paris; communication within group; activities in Perpignan; wait in Cerbere; walk through tunnel to Portbou; scenes on arrival in Portbou; story of Otto Brune; hopes for work in Spain; details of husband's work; sleeping arrangements; journey to Barcelona; story of air raid alert; situation in Barcelona; details of period at hospital between Barcelona and Valencia; situation in Valencia; story of journey to hospital in Madrid.
REEL 3 Continues: Aspects of period as medical volunteer with 14th International Bde in Spain, 1937-1939: reception and events on arrival at hospital; contact with husband; story of smoking doctor; reunion with husband; situation in Madrid; knowledge of Spanish language; details of hospital and patients; visit of Dolores Ibárruri aka La Pasionaria; progress of war; details of evacuation of hospital by train to Catalonia; differences between patients of different nationalities; duties; work with patients suffering from lung problems in Pyrenees; scenes of war; knowledge of husband; rations and medical supplies situation; gaining of leave on Ebro River; journey to visit husband at front; reaction of husband on arrival; description of conditions at front.
REEL 4 Continues: contact with civilians; medical facilities at front; return to and situation in Barcelona; description of work with children in Santa Agata; education given to children by International Brigades [Short Reel].
REEL 5 Continues: memories of Reginald Saxton; political situation; knowledge of wider war including movement into camp on Spanish-French border. Aspects of period as civilian in France and GB, 1939-1946: stockpile of weapons on border; story of shelling from ship while at Santa Agata; freedom of movement in camp; visit from Clement Atlee and Anthony Eden and gaining of papers for journey to Paris; question of return to Austria; contact with family in Austria and husband; knowledge of events in Austria; details of visa and gaining of papers for travel to GB; civilian work and life during period in France; journey to GB, 1/9/1939; gaining of work in Birmingham; tribunal and classification as enemy alien.
REEL 6 Continues: freedom of movement; nurse training including loss of job during 1940 and air raids; knowledge of family in Austria; gaining news of husband; fate of family. Aspects of period as civilian in Austria from 1946: details of life in Vienna since war; opinion of interest in Spanish Civil War; reflections on service and the war itself.