Object description
British driver with Royal Army Service Corps in GB, 1940; driver and NCO served with 74 Coy East African Army Service Corps in East Africa, 1940-1943; NCO served with Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers in East Africa, 1943-1946
Content description
REEL 1 Aspects of period as driver with Royal Army Service Corps in GB, 1940 : call-up and posting to Cliftonville; arrival and issue of kit; posting to Leicester Technical Training College; sleeping arrangements; details of pay; journey to Leicester; accommodation and sleeping arrangements; talk on first day at Leicester Technical Training College; details of metalsmiths course undertaken; journey to Brighton via London; accommodation; mechanic training including air activity; leave and period in transit camp; details of voyage to Mombasa; train journey to Nairobi; stop-off and journey onwards to camp. Aspects of period as driver and NCO with 74 Coy East African Army Service Corps in East Africa, 1940-1943: scenes and reception on arrival including accommodation and sleeping arrangements; concerns about communication with African troops; story of rescuing truck from roundabout in Nairobi; issue of camp beds; story of voicing concerns before first trip with convoy.
REEL 2 Continues: story of voicing concerns before first trip with convoy including stripes issued to show authority; decisions made before start of journey; details of convoy taken to Mogadishu including rations; news received from company; details of period and troops in Mogadishu; scenes during journey to Ethiopia; reception on arrival in camp including explanation of role; background of troops present; interview with commanding officer about posting in Berbera including problems to expect with vehicles due to climate; arrival in Berbera; details of camp; problems with mosquitoes; relationship with African troops and learning of Swahili; details of a journey to Ethiopia including supply of water and rations taken on convoys.
REEL 3 Continues: story of problems with lorry during journey to Ethiopia and isolation from convoy; story of return to convoy and events on arrival; posting and journey to Addis Ababa; details of period in Addis Ababa; story of transporting POWs; knowledge of Swahili and test taken; disbanding of unit; posting to and details of Rhodesian unit; story of first day with unit; supply course undertaken in Nairobi.
REEL 4 Continues: news of posting to Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers; story of interview and tests undertaken; results of tests and possibilities for later improvement. Aspects of period as NCO with Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers in East Africa, 1943-1946: details of pay; opinion of war service.
REEL 5 Continues: arrival with unit; problems from condition of roads; details of and involvement with solution; background to gaining leave; story of journey to Nairobi including problems with tyres and completion of journey by train; details of leave including gaining of posting to Nairobi; details of period posted in Nairobi including duties; background to gaining promotion to sergeant.
REEL 6 Continues: escort duty taking POWs to GB; activities in GB; return to Nairobi; work on motorcycle; posting to Shrewsbury; duties; demobilisation. Aspects of period as civilian in GB from 1946: civilian work and life; reflections on service and talking about experiences; further details of civilian work and life.