Object description
British signaller served with 1st Bn West Yorkshire Regt in Austria, 1948-1949
Content description
REEL 1 Recollections of background in Alnwick, 1929-1947: father's military service, 1917-1918; social background; reactions to outbreak of war, 3/9/1939; effects of war, 1939-1945; relationship with troops based in Alnwick; education; sporting activities; work as civil servant, 1946-1947; call up and medical; prior training and passing Certificate 'A' with Army Cadets. Recollections of conditions of service, lifestyle and daily routine with 14 Platoon, C Coy, 30th Leader Training Bn, Pinefield Camp, Elgin, 8/1947-12/1947: reception; status of unit; kitting out; hair cut; layout of camp; hut accommodation; cleaning room and preparing for kit inspections; cleaning rifle; morning routine; food rations.
REEL 2 Continues: food rations and canteen; question of causes of severe attacks of dysentery; drill; guard duties and 'stick' man; rifle training; peat fire on moor; weapons training in Bren gun, PIAT, hand grenades, 2" mortar and bayonet; gas mask training; wireless training and procedure; PT and assault course; tea; canteen; visits to Elgin; opinion of Lieutenant Marcus Fox; relationship with instructors.
REEL 3 Continues: relationship with instructors and recruits; question of commission. Period at Catterick Camp, 12/1947- : rat problem in Ypres Lines accommodation; initial loss of lance corporal status; refusal of post as instructor; duties as ration corporal in Gaza Lines; problems with stealing from stores; cold weather; location of units; story of ex-prisoner soldier; detachment to Army Cadet Camp; background to volunteering for overseas service; vaccinations and dental treatment. Recollections of conditions of service, lifestyle and daily routine with Signal Platoon, Headquarter Coy, 1st Bn, West Yorkshire Regt, Portscach, Austria, ca 4/1948-8/1949: journey out; displaced persons camps; billets; khaki drill; intelligence test and posting to Signals Platoon.
REEL 4 Continues: billets; signals training including wireless, telephone switchboards, climbing trees to erect wires and superiority of German equipment; story of sexual encounter with Austrian women; false alarm of attack of VD; effects of drinking as teetotaller; duties on telephone exchange; story of blind date with Austrian woman; telephone line repairs; role with portable wireless attached to rifle companies during exercises; sporting activities; case of murder of Austrian woman; non-fraternisation policy; prevalence of VD; canteens; black market activities; relationship with ORs, NCOs and officers.
REEL 5 Continues: minimal duties with rear party during unit posting to Vienna; practical joke on drunken soldier; status of signallers; tour of duty at Meidling Barracks, Vienna, 1949, including state of morale, cold weather, reactions to speech from Regimental Sergeant Major and prevalence of stealing by regimental cooks; skiing training; relationship with regulars; border patrols and character of Soviet troops; story of accidentally entering Soviet zone; story of selling cigarettes on black market in US zone; hospitalisation with hand injury; effects of US Marshall plan; use of British Army currency; attending pre-demobilisation course at Gotingen University, 5/1949-8/1949. Demobilisation, 8/1949. Post-service career: question of staying in army; return to work as civil servant; mobilisation and 'Z' Reserve training in Barnard Castle area, ca 1951l effect of military service; story of Austrian women recruited for textile industry in GB.