Object description
British seaman served as radar operator aboard HMS Belfast in GB coastal waters, Arctic and during Normandy landings, 1942-1944; served aboard HMS Volage in Far East, 1944-1945
Content description
REEL 1 Background in Haslemere, 1923-1939: family; education; family home; hobbies; employment with Post Office; membership of Home Guard; attitude towards Second World War. Aspects of enlistment and training with Royal Navy in GB, 1942: call up for basic training at HMS Glendower; radar training at Douglas on Isle of Man; adjusting to naval life. Recollections of operations as radar operator aboard HMS Belfast in GB coastal waters, Arctic and during Normandy landings, 1942-1944: joining ship at Devonport; character of mess deck arrangements; effects of rough seas, 2/1943; messing arrangements; laundry facilities and importance of personal hygiene; role as radar operator on board ship.
REEL 2 Continues: seaman duties; watch keeping duties; organisation of radar branch; operating different types of radar; his action stations; shore leave in Iceland and Scapa Flow; use of spare time; entertainment in Russia; use of NAAFI; religious service and Sunday divisions; degree of disciplinary problems; make and mend; contact with home; reasons why HMS Belfast was a happy ship; impressions of Captain Parham and Admiral Burnett; role fitting radar in Devonport, late 1942; adjusting to naval life on board ship; start of convoy duties from Loch Ewe; damage caused by Atlantic storm, 2/1943.
REEL 3 Continues: threat of being washed overboard; conditions on board mess deck; weather conditions and de-icing ship in Arctic; number of trips to Russia; effect of ship being flag ship of squadron; presence of German reconnaissance aircraft over convoy; start of Battle of North Cape, 25/12/1943; reaction to having to engage Scharnhorst alone after hit on HMS Norfolk; role recording position of ships on radar plot; blowing off of armoured doors of plot by firing of own guns; sight of Scharnhorst on fire and sinking; atmosphere aboard ship during action; Scharnhorst's continuing to fire although sinking; reaction to sinking of Scharnhorst; role of ship bombarding Normandy coast, 6/1944; work in plotting room and sight of landing ships, 6/6/1944; routine nature of bombardment off Normandy, 6/1944-7/1944; reaction to drafting away from HMS Belfast.
REEL 4 Continues: Aspects of period as seaman with Royal Navy in Far East, 1944-1945: voyage from GB to Ceylon; duties in Ceylon; conditions aboard destroyer HMS Volage; encounter with whale; dental work at sea; contrast in discipline aboard small and larger ships; return to GB and demobilisation, 1945. Adjusting to civilian life with Post Office after 1945.