Object description
British schoolchild in Woodford, GB, 1939-1945; seaman served as stoker mechanic aboard HMS Belfast in Far East and off North and South Korea, 1951-1952; served aboard HMS Forth at Malta, 1953; served aboard HMS Centaur in Far East, 1956-1957
Content description
REEL 1 Background in Woodford, GB, 1933-1939: family; education. Recollections of period as civilian schoolchild in Woodford, GB, 1939-1945: memories of German Air Force and V weapons raids; story of leaving school; hospitalisation for scarlet fever, 1944; opinion of nursing care received; rationing; contact with German prisoners of war; opinion of security precautions, 1940; nature of father's police duties; method of dealing with German Air Force incendiary bombs; avoiding his father's attentions during schoolboy activities; mother's wartime activities.
REEL 2 Continues: nature of hobbies; further details of education; memories of Science Master Mr Bevan; receiving caning for misdemeanours; post-war employment with civil engineering firm; duties as apprentice; membership of Sea Cadets. Recollections of enlistment and training as seaman at HMS Raleigh, Torpoint, GB, 1950: reasons for volunteering; aptitude selection tests; first day at training establishment at HMS Raleigh, Torpoint; regional origins of recruits; formation of friendships amongst recruits.
REEL 3 Continues: issue of uniform and kit; obtaining 'tiddly suit'; modifications to uniforms; uniform worn during drill and on guard; nature of basic training; emphasis on sport and studying; reasons for using evolutions during training; going ashore in Plymouth; use of hammocks on ships; accommodation; story of visiting HMS Raleigh as a lieutenant during later naval service; daily routine; adjusting to naval life; question of loss of freedom and individualism.
REEL 4 Continues: rations available; messing aboard ships; method of allocating drafts to ships. Recollections of operations as stoker mechanic aboard HMS Belfast in Far East and off North and South Korea, 1951-1953: issue of tropical kit; footwear worn; attitude to drafting; story of keeping boilers going during hospital workers strike in Kure, Japan; voyage aboard HMS Warrior from GB to Singapore, Federation of Malaya, including seasickness, travelling through Suez Canal, Egypt and visiting Ceylon.
REEL 5 Continues: joining HMS Belfast after period in dry dock in Singapore, Federation of Malaya; duties as stoker mechanic; development of friendships; messing arrangements; use of China Fleet Club in Hong Kong; noise aboard ship; watch keeping duties; importance of ice; arrangements for washing clothes; character of watches including three watch system and four hour system; work on motor boats in harbour; drafting away from ship, 1953; organisation of mess; explanation of term 'scram'; cleaning of mess deck; activities in mess; conditions in mess deck.
REEL 6 Continues: use of hammocks; story of sleeping on upper deck on board HMS Warrior; amount of space available to seaman; story of obtaining hammock stretcher; cold conditions during operations off coast of North Korea; sunbathing and sunburn; chain of command aboard ship; character of quarterdeck; seaman branches; organisation of engineering branch; role of petty officers and chief petty officers; stories illustrating characters in the ship's crew; hearing of father's death and importance of friendships.
REEL 7 Continues: story of later becoming officer in Royal Naval Reserve; relations between officers and other ranks; status of gunnery officers; discipline and control of ship; seaman tasks in disciplinary cells; incident when he stayed ashore in Japan and subsequent punishment; psychological cases on board; marriage problems amongst crew; lack of feelings of homesickness and method of dealing with it; recreational activities especially boxing.
REEL 8 Continues: Ships Operatic and Dramatic Society (Sod's Operas); entertainment on board in Hong Kong; seaman's appreciation of cartoons; amusing story of attempting to sort out problems with capstan during prior to going on firing exercise off North Korea; character of actions stations; communications during action stations; role of ship off North Korea including bombardment and patrolling; frequency of patrols; occasion when ship carried No 41 (Independent) Commando, Royal Marines' raiding party on raid; loss of two of the ship's marines on landing craft; North Korean 3 inch shell hit on ship that killed Chinese steward.
REEL 9 Continues: aircraft warning during film show; sight of United States Air Force aircraft attack on North Korean junk; amusing story of suggestion of towing North Korean junk; dealing with North Korean civilian casualties on board; shore bombardment and noise of shells; swimming parties off islands south of gun line; explanation of term 'notice to steam'; impressions of Japan; nature of prostitution in Japan; types of gifts sent to families; reaction of seamen to films warning of sexual diseases; relations with Australians and American service personnel; gambling; character of Japanese shows; accident during refuelling from American tanker in Sasebo harbour; amusing story of taunting of petty officer; factors that made HMS Belfast a happy ship.
REEL 10 Continues: reaction of seaman to case of poor food prepared by chef; technique employed to appear busy; adjusting to civilian life; length of service on board HMS Belfast; problems of reconfigurating ship to have nuclear defences. Aspects of period operating motor boats with submarine depot ship, HMS Forth in Mediterranean, 1953: drafting to Malta; visits to Gibraltar and Spain; trips on submarines and discovery of conditions in rough water; damage to ship during attempt to offer aid during earthquake in Greece; visits to North Africa and Turkey; character of HMS Forth; behaviour of civilian visitors to ship; ashore in Malta; contrast in service aboard HMS Belfast and HMS Forth; sleeping arrangements aboard and on last ship HMS Centaur.
REEL 11 Continues: attitude to serving aboard HMS Forth; return to GB for Spithead Review; reaction to returning to GB on leave in uniform; attitude to having travelled widely with Royal Navy; drafting to Mechanical Training Establishment at Chatham Dockyard, 1953-1955. Aspects of period as stoker mechanic aboard HMS Centaur in Far East, 1956-1957: background to drafting to light fleet carrier; reasons for volunteering for flight deck duties; initial experience of deck landings; work on hydraulic catapult; casualties amongst deck crew and aircrew; incident when aircraft exploded on take off; accident when he nearly fell into aircraft lift; cancellation of flight to fly him to GB after death of father; reaction to drafting to second ship.
REEL 12 Continues: Reflections of service with Royal Navy: story of continuing education during drafting to Chatham Dockyard; story of meeting future wife whilst working at hospital; adjusting to civilian life on leaving Royal Navy, 1958; story of joining Royal Naval Reserve in 1970s; further details of post-naval service employment.