Object description
Spanish civilian in Brussels, Belgium, and GB, 1939-1940; evacuated to from Belgium to Spain, 5/1940; civilian in Barcelona, Spain, including work for Special Operations Executive, 1940-1944
Content description
REEL 1 (Starr) Background in Spain, Belgium and GB, 1935-1940: story of marriage proposal; father's approval of fiancé's nationality; Catalan opinion of and links with England; learning of English language; financial situation and start of civilian work; reactions of friends and family to move abroad; story of wedding, 1935; train journey to Brussels; accommodation; life in Brussels including relationship with husband's parents; effects of Spanish Civil War on friends and family; move to and life in London including sending letters between sides in Spain.
REEL 2 Continues: story of move back to Brussels; thoughts about possible war; evacuation notice; stay in hotel; voyage to GB including scenes on arrival; journey to Newcastle-upon-Tyne; winter weather; decision to return to Belgium; journey to Belgium including increased danger; life in Brussels to 5/1940; start of air raids; start of civilian evacuation and initial decision to stay. Aspects of journey from Brussels, Belgium, to Barcelona, Spain, 5/1940: decision to leave for Paris; scenes at Brussels station; return home for wait; scene in sky over Brussels; belongings packed for journey; car journey to station; description of train journey to Paris including air raids; stay in hotel; discovery of having missed last boat to GB; organisation of next move; problems boarding train to Barcelona; help given in getting aboard a train; details of train journey to Barcelona; accommodation; visits to British Consulate. Aspects of period as civilian in Barcelona, Spain, including work for Special Operations Executive, 5/1940-12/1944: details of life in Barcelona including mail received from husband; food; civilian views on war; details of soldiers passing across France-Spain border and help given to them.
REEL 3 Continues: clothing given to Allied soldiers; system of passing on messages from British Consulate; news received of husband, George Starr; photograph sent to husband; story of letter received from husband; distance between her and husband; transport of messages over France-Spain border; details of ration cards; news of return to GB; food received from British Consulate; money; civilian work teaching gymnastics; preparations for return to GB; story of journey to GB including stops in Madrid and Lisbon. Aspects of period as civilian in GB and Belgium from 12/1944: reception on arrival in London; stay in hotel; journey to parents- in-law in Newcastle-upon-Tyne; story of reunion with husband; decision to move south; accommodation and life on Hayling Island; move to Brussels.
REEL 4 Continues: details of occupants of old flat during war; loss of property including item saved; story of dumb waiter; communication problems between George Starr and children; education of and languages spoken by children; story of message given by general in Pyrenees hotel; news of war. (Unknown) details of Help the Police competition; organisation of 1975 Help the Police competition; selection of young ambassadors for trip to Canada; museum responsibilities; organisation of visits to Scotland Yard; misconceptions about Scotland Yard; organisation at Scotland Yard.