Object description
British volunteer served with British Bn, XV International Bde at Madrigueras, Spain, 5/1937-6/1937; served as research clerk and military censor with XV International Bde in Spain, 6/1937-10/1938
Content description
REEL 1 Recollections of background to volunteering for International Bdes in GB, 5/1937: membership of Communist Party of Great Britain; interest taken in Spanish Civil War and friends who travelled to Spain; French Government's cutting off of supplies to Republican Spain; classes given in Nottingham; involvement in Battle of Cable Street, East End, London, 4/10/1936; receiving news from Spain and friends involved in the war; attending Communist Party of Great Britain meetings in Nottingham; one day schools on Spanish Civil War; interview about possible service in Spain; drawing up of will; informing father of decision to go to Spain; preparations for departure; meeting with Fred Thomas and instructions received for activities in Paris, France; contact with Edward Cooper's mother; request for advice from Canadian journalist; attending demonstration in London, 1/5/1937. Recollections of journey from GB to Spain via, France, 5/1937: assembly of party at Victoria Railway Station, London, GB; journey to Paris, France including story of immigration officer at Dover Harbour, GB; arrival in Paris, France and discovery that extra member had joined party; instructions and advice given by Charlotte Haldane in Paris, France; accommodation and other volunteers in Paris, France; leisure activities; journey to Lyons, France; separation of volunteers with and without passports; coach journey to and stay in Oyonnax, France.
REEL 2 Continues: visits to cafés in Oyonnax, France; local newspaper story about volunteers; return to Lyons, France; organisation for continuation of journey in Montpellier, France; journey to and stay in Montpellier, France; accommodation in Agde, France; memories of Bill Swan and other volunteers; train journey to Perpignan, France; activities during wait for guide in Perpignan, France; crossing of Pyrenees Mountains; stop at shepherd's hut and meeting with Spanish officer; night at Figueres Castle, Spain; details of train journey to Albacete, Spain; walk to barracks; condition of latrines on train; parade and visits from officers; memories of Independent Labour Party Contingent member; reunion with Tony Heinemann. Aspects of period as volunteer with British Bn, XV International Bde in Spain, 5/1937-6/1937: joining of unit at Madrigueras; accommodation; supply of meals; memories of French officer; details of pay; opinion of rations; food and drink available away from camp; opinion of commanding officers; relations with fellow volunteers.
REEL 3 Continues: uniforms; opinion of training and instructors; pattern of training; loss of troops to newly formed Anti-Tank Bty; relations with civilians; British volunteers who survived sinking of ship in Mediterranean; memories of Eric Thompson; story of a troublesome merchant seaman; memories of George Nathan; talks given to troops; medical staff. Recollections of period as research clerk and military censor with XV International Bde in Spain, 6/1937-10/1938: posting as clerk to Albacete; composition of staff; morning procedures; duties in and role of research bureau including example of Edward Cooper; memories of commanding officer; medical category; posting as interpreter; interview with and later disappearance of General Bierloff; story of mistake in casualty lists.
REEL 4 Continues: changes in high command; troops dispatched to frontline; story of Turkish Communist; posting of unit to Bank of Spain in Albacete; details of new staff; story of petition formed for disgraced commanding officer; story of Donald Hutchison; learning Spanish language; relations with civilians; memories of Antonio Montero; work of English personnel office; common complaints of volunteers; books read and supply of books; story of fiesta to celebrate 20th Anniversary of the Russian Revolution, 7/11/1937; question of national tensions; cigarettes; medical recategorisation; granting of leave.
REEL 5 Continues: description of train journey to and leave in Orihuela; return to Albacete; posting to and role of cultural commission; composition of staff including Laurie Lee; scenes around town; memories of commanding officer; posting to mail censorship work; languages spoken by volunteers; details of censorship work in Godella; complaints received from front line; availability of cigarettes; opinion of Spanish cigarettes; posting to Barcelona; location of office; friends made in Barcelona; language lessons and proficiency in Spanish; optimism toward war; arrival of Soviet aircraft; air raids; background of volunteers; discussions at Communist Party meetings; visits from Very Important Persons (VIPs); relations with civilians; state and morale of civilians; story of Anarchist notice posted outside barbers; organisation of public transport; leisure activities; move of offices; shelter taken during air raids; accommodation; details of final International Bdes parade in Barcelona, 10/1938.
REEL 6 Continues: interview with Mexican Embassy and loss of passport; repatriation of volunteers from Ripoll; final leisure activities in Barcelona; reunion with comrades in Ripoll; journey to GB including searches on departure from Spain. Aspects of return to GB, 12/1938: reception on arrival at Victoria Railway Station, London; luggage and clothing brought back from Spain; activities in London on day of return; reunion with parents; contact with former International Bde comrades.