Object description
British civilian in Great Wakering, GB, 1939-1945 including membership of village Invasion Committee, 1940
Content description
REEL 1 Background in Shoeburyness, GB, 1909-1914: family; education. Recollections of childhood in Shoeburyness, GB, memories of outbreak of First World War, 4/8/1914; reaction to outbreak of war by local tradesman; destruction of onion bed by German bombs; Armistice Day, 11/11/1918; sound of anti-aircraft guns firing; food shortages; presence of troops in area. Recollections of period as civilian in Great Wakering, 1939-1940: swearing in as billeting officer, 3/9/1939; reaction to declaration of Second World War, 3/9/1939; role as salvage steward, 1939; collection of railings and saucepans for war effort; sewing evacuees into winter vests, 3/9/1939; contrast between Londoners and Essex people, 1939. Recollections of membership of Invasion Committee of Great Wakering, 1940: invitation to join Invasion Committee; role of Invasion Committee; availability of Papier-mache coffins; inventory of local livestock.
REEL 2 Continues: willingness of villagers to sacrifice their privacy; personal role; responsibility for village water supply; co-operation with Southend Waterworks Company; meaning of yellow triangle on schools; warning that all six members of Invasion Committee would be shot if German invaded. Recollections of period as civilian in Great Wakering, 1940-1945: German Air Force attacks on area; disposal of anti-personnel mine; killing of two boys pulling on anti-aircraft ordnance hanging from trees; public morale; preparations to give her child an overdose if Germans invaded; water and ration provision in case of invasion; delivery of Papier-mache coffins, 1940; visit by Mrs Clementine Churchill and her story about Winston Churchill's 'hotted up' shirts; effect of Prime Minister Winston Churchill radio broadcasts; listening to William Joyce Lord Haw Haw radio broadcasts; provision for emergency hospital.
REEL 3 Continues: story relating to red tape during Second World War; fuel shortage after war; presence of Axis prisoners of war in area; German prisoners of war who spent Christmas with family; German prisoners of war singing in local church; later memories of floods of 1952, including loss of life and village spirit; rationing in Second World War; story of capture of German Air Force crew from aircraft which crashed in village, 24/8/1940.