Object description
South African officer served with 2 Sqdn South African Air Force in South Korea, 6/1951-9/1951; served as forward observation officer with South African Air Force attached to 19th Infantry Regt, United States Army in South Korea, 10/1951-12/1951; served as forward observation controller with Royal Air Force attached 40 Commando, Royal Marines during Operation Musketeer, Suez, Egypt, 11/1956
Content description
REEL 1 Recollections of period as schoolchild in East London, South Africa, 1939-1945: stories told him by evacuee children from GB; political attitudes of British and Afrikaan South Africans towards Second World War; first sight of African troops; lack of impact of war on everyday life. Aspects of flying training in the Transvaal, South Africa, 1950: start of flying training after period as cadet with South African Army College, Pretoria, 1947-1950; initial reaction to flying; training on Supermarine Spitfire, 1950; British and Afrikaan origins of South African Air Force personnel. Recollections of operations as pilot with 2 Sqdn, South African Air Force in South Korea, 6/1951-10/1951: opinion of North American Mustang; loss of friend in flying accident; journey by air from South Africa to South Korea, 5/1951; facilities at K10 Airfield, near Pusan; nature operations carried out from 1/6/1951 including low-level reconnaissance and ground attack.
REEL 2 Continues: method of attacking bunkers; nature of targets; Chinese methods of thwarting United Nations' air power; attempted rescue of American pilot, 16/6/1951; squadron losses to anti-aircraft fire; dive-bombing techniques; ground attack mission leading to award of Air Medal, 1951; memories of Squadron Leader Gus Marshall who had religious scruples about slaughter in Korean War; nature of air fighting and personal motivations; attacks on Pyongyang, North Korea to drive Communists to peace talks, 8/1951; relations with United States Air Force and impression black American pilots made on him; use of K16 Airfield, near Seoul; occasional sniping of airbases; rest and recreational activities in Japan; relations with troops on the ground. Aspects of operations as forward air controller with South African Air Force attached to 19th Infantry Regt, United States Army in South Korea, 10/1951-12/1951: importance of correct use of forward air controllers including later story of friendly fire incident during Operation Musketeer, Suez, Egypt, 11/1956; role as forward air controller attached to 19th Infantry Regt, United States Army, 10/1951-12/1951.
REEL 3 Continues: reasons for taking forward air controller's role; his superstition about number 13 and United Nations' photographers taking pictures before take off; prior recollections of his aircraft being hit by anti-aircraft fire, 10/1951 and occasion when he baled out, 26/7/1951; role and duties as forward air controller; first operation where he fell into mass grave of Chinese People's Volunteer Army casualties; weather conditions during winter, 1951; supply of hot meals to United States Army troops, Thanksgiving Day, 22/11/1951; story of rescue of South African Air Force pilot downed in North Korea. Recollections of period as forward air controller with Royal Air Force attached to 40 Commando, Royal Marines during Operation Musketeer, Suez, Egypt, 1956: training with 40 Commando, Royal Marines in Malta prior to Operation Musketeer; voyage from Malta to Port Said, Egypt; impression of commandos.
REEL 4 Continues: operations ashore at Port Said, Egypt 11/1956; clearing of Customs House at Port Said; humanitarian handling of wounded Egyptians during fighting in Port Said; contrast in fate of Egyptian civilian during Suez and Korean civilians, 1951; attitude to having taken part in Korean War and Operation Musketeer; prior recollection of shooting down of South African Air Force pilot friend in which Howe was sucked into anti-aircraft trap, 27/9/1951.