Object description
Jewish schoolchild in Breslau, Germany, 1933-1939; emigrated on Kindertransport from Germany to GB, 8/1939; refugee in GB, 8/1939-6/1940; internee at Peveril Internment Camp, Peel, Isle of Man, 6/1940-1/1941; refugee worked in factory in Manchester, GB, 1941-1945
Content description
REEL 1 Recollections of period as schoolchild in Breslau, Germany, 1933-1939: impact of Nazis coming to power on family, 1933; character of Breslau; Jewish community in Breslau; family's religious views; anti-Semitism; impact of Nazi regime on education; effect of Nüremberg Laws on relations with non-Jews; memories of arrests of hospital staff on Kristallnacht, 9/11/1938-10/11/1938; assimilated nature of Jewish community in Breslau; question of resistance to Nazis regime; reasons for German support for Adolf Hitler; change in attitude after Kristallnacht, 11/1938; arrest of father and his subsequent death in Buchenwald Concentration Camp, 1938.
REEL 2 Continues: mother's success in arranging her emigration and a place on Kindertransport for him; increasing restrictions against Jews. Aspect of journey with Kindertransport from Germany to GB via Netherlands, 8/1939: preparations for journey; presence of mother on same train; reaction of children to arrival in Netherlands. Aspects of period as refugee in GB, 8/1939-6/1940: language difficulties on arrival; period of being fostered in York and Warter; mother's employment as domestic servant; adapting to life in GB; memories of outbreak of Second World War, 3/9/1939. Aspects of period as internee in Peveril Internment Camp, Peel, Isle of Man in GB, 6/1940-1/1941: internment, 6/1940; mix of people in camp; Home Guard guards; selection of internees to go to Australia and Canada. Aspects of period as worker in factory in Manchester, GB, 1941-1945: psychological impact of trauma on mother.
REEL 3 Continues: degree of contact with refugee organisations after move to Manchester; German Air Force bombing of Manchester; work in uniform factory; reaction to end of Second World War, 1945; opinion of Prime Minister Winston Churchill; degree of awareness of Nazi extermination policies; reaction to liberation of concentration camps, 4/1945-5/1945; attitude towards Germany. Aspects of emigration to United States of America, 1948: decision to emigrate to United States of America; lack of help given to Jews by American authorities; reaction to creation to state of Israel, 1948. Reflections on Holocaust experience: effect of experiences on Jewish identity; attitude towards United Kingdom.