Object description
Polish child deported from Poland to Soviet Union, 1940-1946; civilian in Polish People's Republic, 1947-1958
Content description
REEL 1 Background in Białystok, Poland, 1930-1940: family; father's military service; behaviour of Soviet Army troops on occupying Eastern Poland, 9/1939. Aspects of deportation from Poland to Soviet Union, 1940: family's deportation from Białystok, Poland to Soviet Union, 4/1940; conditions on cattle truck journey into Soviet Union; reaction to session at public baths and delousing centre; Soviet civilians begging for food from Polish deportees; arrival on steppe in Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic, 5/1940. Recollections of period as schoolchild at Zhelonigai Collective Farm in Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic, Soviet Union, 1940-1946: mother's acquiring accommodation in village; death of family members; working conditions; theft of possessions in orphanage.
REEL 2 Continues: fate of father in Kozelsk Prisoner of War Camp, Soviet Union; how her father discovered his children were still alive in Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic; reasons why she was not allowed to receive money sent to her by her father; permission she got to return to Poland, 1946; physical condition she was in after six years on collective farm; kidnapping of Polish women by Kirghiz horseman; story of her pursuit by Kirghiz horsemen, 5/1941; illnesses suffered from at Zhelonigai.
REEL 3 Continues: escape from frost-bite at Zhelonigai; problems with 'Buran' wind on collective farm; expeditions to salt lake to collect salt. Aspects of period as civilian in Polish People's Republic, 1947-1958: return to Poland, 1946; discovery of aunt living in Białystok area; life in Polish People's Republic, 1946-1958; leaving Polish People's Republic to join father in GB, 1958; conditions in Polish People's Republic and continuing education, 1946-1958; interrogation by secret police of Department of Security (UB) due to her contact with her father in GB; second interrogation by Department of Security (UB); contrast between life in GB and Polish People's Republic, 1958.
REEL 4 Continues: Aspects of period as child at Zhelonigai Collective Farm in Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic, Soviet Union, 1940-1946: reasons why conditions were bad on collective farm; work regime; queuing for well water; description of food; hopes that camp would be liberated; narrow escape from wolf pack; 50km walk to distribution point where western aid was being distributed.