Object description
British civilian in Guernsey during German occupation, 1939-1944; inmate of Ilag VII internment camp, Laufen, Bavaria, Germany, 1944-1945
Content description
REEL 1: Background in Guernsey, 1923-1939: childhood in St Sampson; daily life in large farming family. Aspects of period in Guernsey, 1939-1943: memories of outbreak of war and evacuation of family members, 9/1939; description of bombing raid; story of farmers putting cows on airport runway to prevent Germans landing; question of resistance to Germans; attitude of Germans to civilian population; German laws on confiscations and curfew; story of father's three-day imprisonment for breaking curfew; description of employment in bakery; story of stealing bread; memories of Mr Falla bringing supplies to Guernsey from France; identity cards; opinion of the Controlling Committee; story of listening to BBC broadcasts on hidden radio; food supplies and black market; amusing story of Germans mistaking Guernsey for Isle of Wight; movement restrictions; improvisation with food; social life.
REEL 2 Continues: question of keeping low profile; story of woman imprisoned for complaining to Germans; attitude to working with Germans; role of authorities in controlling growth and distribution of food; effect of regulations on family farm; story of being arrested for assaulting German officer and receiving six-month prison sentence, 1943; description of treatment and conditions in prison; story of using nail to escape from cell; communication with father; story of being locked out of cell and help from German guard; memories of German prisoner imprisoned for raping local girl; released from prison, 10/1943; description of work on uncle's farm; attitude to petty thieving; reaction to D-Day landings and effect on supplies, 6/1944; selected for deportation to Germany; description of voyage to St Malo, France; memories of other deportees; story of father avoiding deportation; description of three-day train journey from St Malo to Ilag VII internment camp, Laufen, Germany.
REEL 3 Continues: Aspects of period in Ilag VII internment camp, Laufen, Bavaria, Germany, 1944-1945: arrival; description of camp and inmates; accommodation; Red Cross parcels; employment and accommodation at local farm; story of Russian girlfriend; opinion of camp captain Ambrose Sherwill; story of operation to remove cyst from eye; discipline in camp; recreational and sporting activities including dancing and football; story of post-war reunion with local German civilian; air raids; communication with sister and mother; use of coded messages; story of liberation by US forces, 8/May/1945; repatriation; relationships with local German girls.
REEL 4 Continues: description of journey back to GB via Salzburg. Aspects of period in GB and Guernsey, 1945: description of interrogation in Hendon; story of visiting sister in Taunton; story of arrest and internment of brother-in-law in Buchenwald concentration camp; returned to Guernsey, 8/1945; memory of singing 'Sarnia Cherie' with family; effect of war on Guernsey; attitude to fraternisation and collaboration during German occupation; comparison of conditions in Guernsey and in Ilag VII internment camp; question of compensation; attitude to Germans