Object description
Czechoslovakian Jewish civilian in Prague, Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, Czechoslovakia, 3/1939-10/1941; inmate in Łódź Ghetto, Poland, 10/1941-8/1944; inmate of Auschwitz II-Birkenau Concentration Camp and Neu-Dachs Subcamp, Auschwitz Concentration Camp, Poland, 8/1944-1/1945; civilian in Czechoslovak Republic and Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, 1948-1968; escaped from Czechoslovak Socialist Republic to GB, 1968
Content description
REEL 1 Recollections of background in Frydek-Mistek and Prague, Czechoslovakia, 1922-1939: family circumstances and origins; languages spoken; father Oskar Singer's military service in Austro-Hungarian Army during First World War; relations between different national groups; move to Prague; father's career as journalist; education; apprenticeship; memories of Munich Crisis, 9/1938. Recollections of period as civilian in Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, Czechoslovakia, 3/1939-10/1941: reaction to arrival of German Army, 3/1939; father's failed attempts to get his children out of country; German restrictions against Jews working in industry; family's financial situation; work as electrician at Gestapo Headquarters; reaction to outbreak of Second World War, 3/9/1939.
REEL 2 Continues: growing restrictions of Jewish community; initial Jewish transports from Prague; reasons for transportation from Prague to Łódź, Ghetto, Poland, 10/1941. Recollections of period as inmate in Łódź Ghetto, Poland, 10/1941-8/1944: train journey; description of ghetto; overcrowded accommodation; father's role in archiving history of ghetto; hunger and suicides amongst Czech Jews; work as electrician; transports and administration; lack of organised resistance in ghetto; liquidation of ghetto, 8/1944. Aspects of period as inmate in Auschwitz II-Birkenau Concentration Camp, Poland, 8/1944-9/1944: conditions on train journey to camp.
REEL 3 Continues: initial sight of camp; reception and selection; reaction to sight of shaven women including relatives; search process and showering; accommodation. Aspects of period as inmate in Neu-Dachs Subcamp, Auschwitz Concentration Camp, Poland, 9/1944-1/1945: selection for subcamp; attempts of Czech inmates to keep alive spirit; accommodation; mining work; attitude of Polish miners; working rations in mines; coping with work regime; joining group who entertained Schutzstaffel (SS) guards; effect of leg injury; bombing of camp, 1/1945. Recollections of march from Neu-Dachs Subcamp to Blechhammer Subcamp, Auschwitz Concentration Camp, Poland, 1/1945: preparations made for march.
REEL 4 Continues: conditions during march; Schutzstaffel (SS) guards' shooting of stragglers; sight of aerial combat; conditions on arrival at Blechhammer Subcamp; liberation by Soviet Army, 1/1945. Aspects of period working for Soviet Army at former Blechhammer Subcamp, Poland, 1/1945-5/1945: obtaining food; work dismantling factory; hearing of end of Second World War in Europe, 8/5/1945. Aspects of period in Prague, Czechoslovakia, 1945: return to Prague, 5/1945: waiting for return of relatives; fate of father Oskar Singer. Reflections on Holocaust experience: hearing news of progress of war during incarceration; repairing radio set in Łódź Ghetto. Recollections of period as civilian in Czechoslovak Republic and Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, 1948-1968: operating sound equipment for Democratic Party during elections, 1948; memories of Communist takeover, 25/2/1948; fear of children reporting parents views; employment in research institute.
REEL 5 Continues: political supervision during visit to Brussels, Belgium during 1950s; question of attempting to remain political neutral; effect of Hungarian Uprising in Hungarian People's Republic, 10/1956-11/1956; reaction arrival of Soviet forces in Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, 8/1968; use of visa to cross between Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and West Germany; motives for leaving Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, 1968; expectations of life in west and reception in GB, 1968.