Object description
Danish private and officer cadet with Royal Danish Army in Denmark, 1940-1941; member of Holger Dansk, Danish Resistance in Denmark and Sweden, 1941-1945
Content description
REEL 1 Background in Aalborg area, Denmark, 1918-1939: family; education. Aspects of period as private with Royal Danish Army in Denmark, 1940: anticipation of German attack, 8/4/1940; how Danish authorities prohibited army from defending border area, 4/1940; question of threat from German population in Jutland; fighting against German Army troops on frontier, 9/4/1940; retreat from frontier; question of affliliations of 'Home Germans', 4/1940. Aspects of period as officer cadet with Royal Danish Army at Royal Danish Army Officer Academy, Frederiksberg, Denmark, 1940-1941: attending officer's school; start of work for Danish Resistance. Recollections of period as member of Holger Dansk, Danish Resistance in Denmark and Sweden, 1941-1945: money supplied by King Christian X and Maerske Company; size of German forces and number of collaborators in Denmark; work conveying Poles across Denmark.
REEL 2 Continues: problems encountered whilst aiding Jews to escape to Sweden; incident when Jewish escaper was unwilling to disturb his father's prayers when there was an urgent need to escape; fates of individual resisters; his narrow escape from Gestapo, 12/1943; arrest and imprisonment of his sister; his attempt in Stockholm, Sweden to gain information about his sister during imprisonment; attempt to rescue sister from hospital whilst she was in custody of Gestapo, 12/1944.
REEL 3 Continues: rescue of sister from hospital, 12/1944; handling of his sister after rescue; narrow escape from Gestapo; escorting of his sister to Sweden, 1/1945; contrast between pro-German attitude of Swedish Police in Malmo and pro-British attitude in Gothenburg; his attitude towards Danish collaboration; agents Danish Resistance had placed amongst collaborators; motivation of collaborators; question of greater threat from Danish collaborators than Germans; degree of personal vulnerability in Sweden; escape attempt from police cell in Malmo, Sweden.
REEL 4 Continues: his escape from police cell in Malmo, Sweden; visit to Danish exile authorities in Stockholm, Sweden; treatment he received by Swedish General Security Service; conditions in General Security Service cells in Sweden. Aspects of period as officer cadet with Royal Danish Army at Royal Danish Army Officers Academy, Frederiksberg, Denmark, 1940-1941: background to leaving Royal Danish Army, late 1941; Nazi element present in Danish officer corps; experiences in Royal Danish Army Officers Academy, 1940-1941; reasons for refusing to work for Royal Danish Army.