Object description
British civilian conscientious objector served with Friends Ambulance Unit in Finland and Norway, 1940, and with Hadfield Spears Unit in Middle East, North Africa, Italy and France, 1941-1945
Content description
REEL 1: Background in GB 1919-1939: Quaker family upbringing in Bristol; effect of First World War; education; employment in family business. Aspects of period in GB, 1939-1940: attitude to patriotism on outbreak of war, 9/1939; reason for becoming conscientious objector and joining Friends Ambulance Unit; importance of Quaker background; automatic exemption from Tribunal in Birmingham; quotes from Tribunal statement. Aspects of period with Friends Ambulance Unit in Finland and Norway, 3-5/1940: description of experiences with Finnish expedition and opinion of success; story of flight to Namsos, Norway, and evacuation in convoy back to GB; reason for being for cleaned up before disembarking. Aspects of period with Friends Ambulance Unit in GB, 1940-1941: employed on various short-term jobs; description of work at City General Hospital, Gloucester; story of meeting with the 'Bones' men; attitude of matron and staff towards conscientious objectors working in hospital; story of being invited to join newly formed Hadfield Spears Unit, 27/Dec/1940.
REEL 2 Continues: story of formation of Hadfield Spears Unit; initial assembly and training in Camberley, Surrey; description of seven week voyage to Egypt via South Africa, 1941. Aspects of period with Hadfield Spears Unit in Egypt, Syria and Lebanon, 1941-1942: role of mobile medical unit; rapid deployment of large tents; description of dealing with casualties from civil war at base in Deraa, Syria; moved to Damascus and worked at Italian hospital; moved to Beirut, Lebanon, 8/1941; social life.
REEL 3 Continues: Aspects of period with Hadfield Spears Unit in North Africa, 1942-1944: unit deployed in Tobruk, Libya, 1-5/1942; description of retreat to Sollum, 17/May/1942; role in forward medical post at Mekili; story of Nik Anderson killed by shell in trenches near Tobruk, 14/Feb/1942; opinion of Lady Spears; description of role with Unit during Battle of Bir Hakeim, 5-6/1942; story of being invited to 50th anniversary of battle, 1992; role of Unit during Battle of El Alamein, 10-11/1942; moved to Zuara, near Tripoli, Libya; moved to Hammamet, Tunisia, 12/1943; relations with army personnel; opinion of Major Basil Nield.
REEL 4 Continues: question of reaching compromise with military; problem of relations with upper-class lady drivers. Aspects of period with Hadfield Spears Unit in Italy, 1944: moved to Bizerta then Naples; description of Cassino area; story of Unit being shelled in San Giorgio; summary of movements across Italy; story of being invited to join small Surgical Commando Unit in France, 8/1944; importance of maintaining secrecy; preparations and medical supplies; description of surgical unit; training in Corsica for landings. Aspects of period with Hadfield Spears Unit in France, 8/1944-8/1945: description of landing at Canandel Beach, 14/Aug/1944; problem of landing on wrong beach and being bombed by US aircraft; description of setting up medical unit and casualties.
REEL 5 Continues: description of conditions for medical work and accommodation in different houses; set up medical unit in hotel in Le Lavendu; received help from local civilians and German troops; treatment of casualties from fighting in Toulon; description of punishment of collaborators; advanced with Allied troops along Rhone Valley; reception from local civilians after liberation; story of being reunited with main Hadfield Spears Unit in Lyon, 8/Sep/1944; problem of continuing pockets of German resistance; further description of landing at Canandel Beach; attitude to danger of operation and reason for making will; opinion of contribution of Surgical Commando group; continued work with Hadfield Spears Unit until arrival in Sante; story of Germans in Royan requesting two-day truce to treat casualties from Allied air raids; comparison of German troops in Western Desert and France; attitude to Germans; description of work treating casualties from defence of Strasbourg.
REEL 6 Continues: moved to St Etienne-de-Tinee and crossed border into Italy; reaction to news of end of war, 8/1945; story of Hadfield Spears Unit being disbanded by General de Gaulle after marching under Union Flag at Victory Parade; story of being awarded Croix de Guerre; description of citation sent with Winter War Medal by Field Marshal von Mannheim; obtained early release from Friends Ambulance Unit and returned to medical studies. Aspects of post-war life: importance of wartime experiences for later medical career; attitude to working for Friends Ambulance Unit during the war; reflections on pacifist beliefs.