Object description
Norwegian agent trained with German Military Intelligence (Abwehr) in Norway, 1/1941-4/1941 and arrived in GB, 7/4/1941; double agent codenamed 'Mutt' worked for MI5 in GB, 1941-1944
Content description
REEL 1 Background in London, GB and Oslo, Norway, 1919-1940: family; education in Oslo; lack of problems in having duel British-Norwegian nationality; story of discussion with grandfather's chauffeur about English social distinctions; importance of social connections in Norway; studying film make-up at Denham Film Studios, 1939; reaction to declaration of Second World War, 3/9/1939; reasons for return to Norway, 9/1939; atmosphere in Norway, 9/1939-4/1940; public reaction to Altmark Incident, 16/2/1940; pro-British attitude of family; reasons for different attitudes of Norwegians and Swedes towards Germany.
REEL 2 Continues: Recollections of period as civilian in Oslo, Norway, 4/1940-1/1941: memories of German invasion, 4/1940; German Army troops purchasing of butter and chocolate; degree to which Norwegian's supported German invasion; attitude to British and French landings in north Norway, 4/1940; continuing with family business and on film work; behaviour of Germans towards Norwegian populace; attitude towards Quisling Government; first meeting with Tor Glad; form which early resistance took; reasons why Tor Glad accepted work with German postal censorship organisation; role passing on list of names of Norwegians wanted by Germans.
REEL 3 Continues: plan to apply for employment with German postal censorship; story of obtaining membership card and jacket pin for membership of National Socialist Workers' Party of Norway from party leader Yngvar Fyhn; prior recollection of visits to Germany, 1930s; nature of interview with German postal censorship organisation; obtaining employment with German postal censorship; promotion to role as censor; story of interrogation by Gestapo after list of Norwegian civilians disappeared from foreman's office.
REEL 4 Continues: dismissal from job at German postal censorship organisation, 11/1940. Recollections of recruitment to and training with German Military Intelligence (Abwehr) in Norway, 1/1941-4/1941: hearing of Tor Glad's recruitment by German Military Intelligence for sabotage work in GB; method used to get recruited to German Military Intelligence; acceptance by German Military Intelligence and start of training; opinion of training; Morse Code test; duel espionage role; obtaining German Military Intelligence codename 'Ja'; attitude of Norwegians towards his working for Germans; sending message to British authorities about forthcoming entry into GB; move to Stavanger. Recollections of mission as Abwehr agent to GB, 4/1941: stay in hotel in Stavanger; question of mission name; flight from Norway to Scotland in German flying boat; issue of chocolate.
REEL 5 Continues: taking photographs of German Military Intelligence office, personnel and German Navy ships to take to GB; fears after abortive attempt to land in Scotland; landing by flying boat in Scotland on second attempt; dinghy landing on coastline at Crovie, 7/4/1941; attempt to obtain information from civilian fisherman on arrival; clothing worn on landing; surrender to police officers; move to Banff Police Station; interrogation by Peter Perfect of MI5; night-time stay in local prison.
REEL 6 Continues: move to London with Tor Glad; reception as German spies by canteen worker; truck journey across London with British Army personnel; dental inspection; character of interrogation at Camp 020 Interrogation Centre, MI5, Latchmere House, Ham. Recollections of period as double agent with MI5 in GB, 1941-1944: interviews by military personnel; setting up radio to contact Germans; German request for information on pipelines on coast; deception relating to blowing up of power station; reasons why Tor Glad was imprisoned, 8/1943.
REEL 7 Continues: methods of concealing Tor Glad's imprisonment; Germans belief in work of double agents; transmitting deception material in connection with Operation Torch, 11/1942; deception to cover Operation Overlord, 6/1944; number of messages sent to Germans; receiving second radio transmitter from Germans which had been originally dropped to Special Operations Executive in Europe; attending air supply drop of equipment near Fraserburgh; codes used; termination of work, 2/1944; contact with Tor Glad during his imprisonment; enlistment in Norwegian Army.
REEL 8 Continues: fate of Tor Glad on return to Norway, 1945; his return to Norway, 1945. Reflections on work as double agent with MI5 in GB, 1941-1944: attitude towards work; imprisonment of father in Norway during Second World War; reads passage from review relating to Tor Glad's legal prosecution after Second World War.