Object description
German officer served as pilot with Kampfgeswader 40 (KG 40) in Germany and Norway, 1940; served with as pilot with 4/Sturzkampfgeschwader 77 (4/St.G 77), 4/Sturzkampfgeschwader 77 (I/St.G 77) and commanding I/Schlachtgeswader 77 (SG 77) in France, Yugoslavia, Greece and Soviet Union, 1940-1945 served with Jagdverband 44 (JV44) in Germany, 1945
Content description
REEL 1 Background in France and Germany, 1914-1936: family; education; family's escape from France, 1914; father's internment in France, 1914-1918; joining German Navy, 1934; his attitude towards Nazi Regime, 1933. Aspects of period as officer with German Air Force in Germany, 1936-1940: quality of flying training recieved; how he was refused permission to join Condor Legion in Spain; how Communist leaflets were put into his cockpit by Austrian civilian, 1938; memories of Heinrich Prinz su Sayn Wittgenstein, 1939; opinion of quality of German biplanes in 1939; his wish to become operational, 1940. Aspects of period as pilot with Kampfgeschwader 40 (KG 40) in Germany and Norway, 1940: transporting troops by Junkers Ju 52 from Germany to Stavanger, Norway, 4/1940.
REEL 2 Continues: experiences at Stavangar, Norway; RAF attack on Fornebu Airport, Oslo, Norway, 1940; landing Junkers Ju 52 on ice at Trondheim, Norway, 1940. Recollections of operations as pilot with 4/Sturzkampfgeschwader 77 (4/St.G 77), 4/Sturzkampfgeschwader 77 (I/St.G 77) and commanding I/Schlachtgeswasder 77 (SG 77) in France, Yugoslavia, Greece and Soviet Union, 1941-1945: joining 4/Sturzkampfgeschwader 77 (4/St.G 77) at Rouen, France, summer 1940; attacks on transport targets in Yugoslavia, 4/1941; his near attack on Red Cross vessel off Crete, Greece, 5/1941; morale during Junkers Ju 87 Stuka attacks; sirens used on Junkers Ju 87 Stuka; his attacks on Sfakia, Greece, 5/1941; first day of campaign in Soviet Union, 22/6/1941.
REEL 3 Continues: tactics employed by Soviet Air Force in Ukraine, 6/1941; attack on bridge; comrade's loss of legs in Soviet Air Force bombing; opinion of quality of Soviet Air Force pilots; leading Messerschmitt Me 110 squadron protecting Junkers Ju 87 Stukas; Soviet deception tactics; his role during Battle of Stalingrad; his shooting down of Soviet Air Force bomber whilst flying Messerschmitt Me 110; opinion of Messerschmitt Me 110; story of delivering captured RAF pilot to interrogation centre in Cologne, Germany; living conditions in Soviet Union; attitude of Russian civilian of German descent to possible reprisals by Soviets; condition of retreating Rumanian troops.
REEL 4 Continues: Aspects of period as officer with Jagdverband 44 (JV44) in Germany, 1945: liaison duties at Munich-Riem Airfield; Allied air attack on airfield; story of obtaining identity of captured American airman First Lieutenant Warren Perkins; question of degree of chivalry during air war; prior recollection of sinking of Soviet Navy cruiser Chervona Ukraina in Sevastopol, Crimea, Soviet Union, 13/11/1941; opinion of Messerschmitt Me 262; arrival of American forces; lawlessness during occupation and recovery of his ceremonial dagger; opinion of Anglo-German relations in 20th Century.
REEL 5 Continues: opinion of Anglo-German relations.