Object description
British midshipman served with Home Fleet, Royal Navy during Invergordon Mutiny, GB, 15/9/1931-16/9/1941; officer served aboard HMS Basilisk during Spanish Civil War, 1936-1937; trained as observer with School of Naval Co-operation, RAF at HMS Peregrine, Royal Naval Air Station Ford in GB, 1937-1938; served aboard HMS Glorious in Mediterranean, Red Sea and Indian Ocean, 1938-1939; served with 819 Naval Air Sqdn, Fleet Air Arm aboard HMS Illustrious in GB coastal waters and Mediterranean, 6/1940-1/1941 including Battle of Taranto in Italy, 11/11/1940-12/11/1940; served as naval liaison officer with RAF in North Africa, 1/1941-2/1941; served as staff officer with 815 Naval Air Sqdn, Fleet Air Arm and RAF in Greece, 2/1941-4/1941; served as staff officer with Fleet Air Arm and Royal Air Force on Crete, Greece, 4/1941-5/1941; served as beachmaster during evacuation of Spharkia, Crete, Greece, 5/1941; served as naval liaison officer with Royal Air Force in Palestine and French Syria, 6/1941-7/1941; served as naval liaison officer with Royal Air Force in North Africa, 1941; served as instructor with HMS Condor, Royal Naval Air Station Arbroath in GB, 1941-1942; served as Staff Officer (Air) with Combined Operations aboard HMS Bulolo in Mediterranean and French Algeria, 11/1942-12/1942; served as Operations Officer aboard HMS Ravager in United States of America and North Atlantic, 2/1943-7/1943; served as Operations Officer aboard HMS Implacable, Home Fleet in GB coastal waters and off Norway, 12/1943-3/1945; served as Operations Officer aboard HMS Implacable, 1st Aircraft Carrier Sqdn, British Pacific Fleet in Far East in Pacific, 3/1945-8/1945; commanded unit handling former Far Eastern Prisoners of War in Philippines, 1945; served as executive officer at HMS Flycatcher, Royal Naval Air Station Kai Tak, Hong Kong, 1945-1946
Content description
REEL 1 Background in Chigwell and Horsham, GB, 1912-1930: family; education. Recollections of mutinous situations experienced during service as officer with Royal Navy, 1931-1946: memories of Invergordon Mutiny, 9/1931; question of unfairness of pay cuts to lower deck personnel during Invergordon Mutiny, 9/1931; contrast between men from different ports; mutiny amongst motor launch crew during evacuation of Crete, Greece, 5/1941; mutiny amongst personnel from Transport Command, RAF at RAF Kai Tak, Hong Kong, 1946. Recollections of period as officer aboard HMS Basilisk during Spanish Civil War, 1936-1937: going ashore at Almeria, Spain, 7/1936.
REEL 2 Continues: commanding landing party to protect British lives and property in Almeria, Spain; fighting in Almeria, Spain, 7/1936; enforcement of non-intervention patrols of northern Spanish coast; clash between Royal Navy destroyers and Nationalist cruiser Canarias; encounters with blockade runners Captains David 'Potato' Jones and Joseph 'Silent' Andrews, 1937; meeting future wife, Peggy Cazeuax de Grange, a Spanish refugee in Saint-Jean-de-Luz, France. Aspects of training as observer with Fleet Air Arm in GB, 1937-1938: background to joining Fleet Air Arm; training at School of Naval Co-operation, HMS Peregrine, Royal Naval Air Station Ford; concept of role of Fleet Air Arm.
REEL 3 Continues: Aspects of period as observer aboard HMS Glorious in Mediterranean, Red Sea and Indian Ocean, 1938-1939: resentment of Royal Navy officers towards Fleet Air Arm officers; character of Captain Guy D'Oyly-Hughes; duties in Indian Ocean and Red Sea after outbreak of Second World War, 9/1939; Captain Guy D'Oyly-Hughes' ideas on use of aircraft carrier. Recollections of operations as observer with 819 Naval Air Sqdn, Fleet Air Arm in GB and aboard HMS Illustrious in GB coastal waters and Mediterreanean, 6/1940-1/1941 including Battle of Taranto, Italy, 11/11/1940-12/11/1940: working up for plans to attack Kiel and Wilhelmshaven in Germany; method of camouflaging grass airfields; impact of arrival of a modern aircraft carrier in Mediterranean, 1940; attack on airfield at Kalathos, Rhodes, Greece, 1940; discovery of Italian Fleet at sea on route to Taranto, Italy, 10/1940.
REEL 4 Continues: shadowing of Italian Fleet, 10/1940; fitting of long range petrol tanks to Fairey Swordfish and subsequent accidentally fire in hangar; receiving reinforcements from HMS Eagle for attack on Italian Fleet at Taranto, Italy; reconnaissance of Taranto Harbour, Italy prior to attack; plan for attack after discovery of balloon barrage around Taranto Harbour, Italy; shooting down of leader of first wave Lieutenant Commander Kenneth Williamson; attacking Italian Fleet in second wave during Battle of Taranto, 11/11/1940-12/11/1940; diving through anti-aircraft fire to drop torpedo aimed at battleship Littorio; technique for dropping torpedoes; rejoining HMS Illustrious after attack, 12/11/1940; technique of navigating back to aircraft carrier; subsequent generosity of Italians about Battle of Taranto.
REEL 5 Continues: being caught in bomb blast during German Air Force attack on HMS Illustrious, 10/1/1941; handling of wounded after attack; importance of first aid training. Aspects of period as naval liaison officer with Royal Air Force in North Africa, 1/1941-2/1941: appointment to staff; first reports of arrival of Deutsches Afrika Korps, 1/1941; interview with Admiral Andrew Cunningham, 2/1941; further details of bombing of HMS Illustrious, 1/1941. Recollections of operations as staff officer with 815 Naval Sqdn, Fleet Air Arm and Royal Air Force in Greece, 2/1941-4/1941: appointment to staff role, 2/1941.
REEL 6 Continues: organisation of attacks on harbour at Valona, Albania; accidental attack on Italian hospital ship at Valona, Albania; role in obstructing Italian advance into Greece; reasons for flying on squadron operations; attacks on Durazzo and Bari, Italy; duties on Royal Air Force plotting staff during Battle of Cape Matapan, 27/3/1941-29/3/1941; role of pilot Lieutenant August Macaulay during Battle of Cape Matapan; memories of Lieutenant August Macaulay.
REEL 7 Continues: withdrawal of 815 Naval Air Sqdn, Fleet Air Arm to Crete, Greece under German Air Force menace, 4/1941; withdrawal of squadron ground crews to Crete, Greece, 4/1941; flight in Yugoslavian Dornier Do 24 flying boat to Suda Bay, Crete, Greece; return flight aboard Bristol Bombay to Athens, Greece, 4/1941; orders to evacuate Greek Royal Family by flying boat to Suda Bay, Crete, Greece, 22/4/1941. Recollections of period as staff officer with Fleet Air Arm and Royal Air Force on Crete, Greece, 4/1941-5/1941: entertaining Greek Royal Family to breakfast during German Air Force attack on Suda Bay, 4/1941; attempt to rescue tanker in Suda Bay, 4/1941.
REEL 8 Continues: beaching of tanker; reaction to appointment as operations officer for evacuation from Greece; composite Fleet Air Arm fighter squadron at Maleme Airfield; capture of Cretan sabotaging Fairey Fulmar and his summary execution by Australian troops; attempt to build underground operations room; role as operations officer for evacuation of Greece; reaction when Royal Air Force officer took over his duties, 1/5/1941; use of Fairey Swordfish to examine defences of Maleme Airfield; what he learnt from New Zealand officer about how the defence of Greece had been conducted; background to becoming adjutant on Maleme Airfield, 5/1941; role of Mobile Naval Base Defence Organisation at Maleme.
REEL 9 Continues: organisation of defence of Malame Airfield, 5/1941; intelligence received about German intentions; how German Air Force Messerschmitt Me 109s were lured into anti-aircraft guns at Malame Airfield; RAF and Fleet Air Arm aircraft losses on Crete, 5/1941; evacuation of Greek Air Force aircraft to Egypt, 15/5/1941; aircraft warning system; casualties amongst Greek workmen at Maleme Airfield; problems training Royal Air Force ground crews to shoot; briefing from General Bernard Freyberg; loss of last Royal Air Force Hawker Hurricanes at Maleme Airfield; his capture of Greek soldier spying on airfield and the man's subsequent fate; German Air Force attack on Maleme Airfield followed by dropping of paratroops, 20/5/1941.
REEL 10 Continues: landing of German paratroopers at Maleme Airfield; resistance to paratroopers at Maleme Airfield; under German mortar and sniper fire on Hill 107; reaction to having held Hill 107 after first day's fighting; implementation of withdrawal order from Maleme airfield area; question of withdrawal from Hill 107; encounter with New Zealand troops on road to Canea; composition of group; arrival of 825 Naval Air Sqdn, Fleet Air Arm at brigade headquarters; story of 825 Naval Air Sqdn, Fleet Air Arm actions at Maleme; orders from brigadier to take non-combatants through German lines to Canea and subsequent change in those orders to take part in the battle.
REEL 11 Continues: disposition of forces and deployment of his platoon in defensive line; German outflanking of positions; under German fire; his invitation from New Zealand rearguard to join them and attempt to find his platoon to tell them to withdraw; avoiding advancing Germans; taking cover in cave; forming party with group of New Zealand troops; capture of German paratrooper being aided by Cretan civilians; his suspicions of allegiance of Cretan civilians; use of evasion training on meeting Cretans; making contact with escaping sapper; sight of large group of Germans in valley.
REEL 12 Continues: his decision to make for south coast of Crete; handling of New Zealand troops who wanted to stay in Cretan villages where they'd been given hospitality; Australian troops joining his party; march to Sitia; feeding of stragglers on beach at Sitia; hearing news of evacuation taking place from Spharkia; trek over mountains towards Spharkia; tactics to avoid German Air Force attacks; caique journey from village to Spharkia; his arrangements for evacuation of Spharkia; assembling crew of caique for abortive attempt to rescue troops at Sitia. Aspects of operations as beachmaster at Spharkia, Crete, Greece, 5/1941: his appointment as beachmaster; dispute with Brigadier George Brunskill about method for evacuating beach; reasons why evacuation of Spharkia was conducted slowly.
REEL 13 Continues: evacuation from Spharkia aboard HMAS Napier; memories of General Bernard Freyberg on Crete; opinion of German actions on Crete; camouflaging of New Zealand positions at Maleme. Recollections of period as naval liaison officer to Royal Air Force in Palestine and French Syria, 6/1941-7/1941: posting to Jerusalem, Palestine for invasion of French Syria, 6/1941; situation in Palestine; reaction of Vichy French troops to arrival of Free French forces in Syria; explanation by officer commanding air campaign of use of air power during Syrian campaign; reaction to attempt to kill Vichy French commander. Aspects of period as naval liaison officer to Royal Air Force in North Africa, 1941: air situation in North Africa; work as liaison officer at time of siege of Tobruk, Libya.
REEL 14 Continues: use of Indian sepoys as mine spotters; voyage from Egypt to GB via South Africa. Aspects of period as instructor with HMS Condor, Royal Naval Air Station Arbroath in GB, 1941-1942: nature of report on his experiences on Crete; appointment to instruct on radar at HMS Condor, Royal Naval Air Service Arbroath. Recollections of operations as Staff Officer (Air) with Combined Operations aboard Landing Headquarters Ship, HMS Bulolo in Mediterranean and French Algeria, 11/1942-12/1943: appointment to staff; deceiving Axis about ship's role during landings; character of voyage from GB to Mediterranean; confrontation between Admiral Andrew Cunningham and Admiral Francois Darlan at Algiers, French Algeria; bomb damage to HMS Bulolo and running aground; aiding former prisoners of war from Laghouat Camp including Lieutenant Charles Lamb; situation in Algiers, French Algeria; relations with French.
REEL 15 Continues: his discussion with Rear Admiral Harold Burrough on use of HMS Argus to provide air cover for attack on Bougie, French Algeria; effect of trade unionism amongst dock workers at Bône, French Algeria; reasons for requesting transfer from duties; voyage from French Algeria to GB aboard HMS Scylla, 12/1942-1/1943 during which German blockade runner SS Rhakotis was sunk in Bay of Biscay, 1/1/1943. Aspects of period as Operations Officer aboard HMS Ravager in United States of America and North Atlantic, 2/1943-7/1943: journey to Portland, United States of America, 2/1943; standing by building of ship; difference between building of warships in British and American shipyards; working up at Norfolk, United States of America, 7/1943; American opinion of Fairey Swordfish; escorting convoy across North Atlantic and role of escort carrier on return to GB, 7/1943; appointment to staff course. Recollections of operations as Operations Officer aboard HMS Implacable, Home Fleet in GB coastal water and off Norway, 12/1943-3/1945: joining ship, 12/1943; his duties as Operations Officer; opinion of fleet carrier; search for German battleship Tirpitz and orders not to attack at Tromsø, Norway, 10/1944; accidental loss of reconnaissance photographs of German battleship Tirpitz on board.
REEL 16 Continues: marooning of photographic officer in Orkney Islands, GB; operations off Norway, 10/1944-11/1944; character of address from Captain Charles Hughes-Hallett; his relationship with Captain Charles Hughes-Hallett; unnecessary damage to ship in North Sea storm. Recollections of operations as Operations Officer aboard HMS Implacable, British Pacific Fleet in Far East and Pacific, 3/1945-8/1945: clash with Captain Charles Hughes-Hallett over his taking on board intelligence about defences of Crete, Greece on route to Far East; period of tropical acclimatisation in Ceylon; attitude towards Japanese; attack on Truk Atoll; nature of attacks on Japan; difference between American and British carriers' deck armour; obtaining reconnaissance photographs of targets; reasons for high rate of kills achieved against Japanese aircraft by HMS Implacable's aircrew.
REEL 17 Continues: Admiral Philip Vian's attitude towards HMS Implacable's pilots method of operation; negative result of Admiral Philip Vian's countermanding orders and aircrew's barracking of his final address; reasons for him leaving ship. Aspects of period handling Far Eastern Prisoners of War in Philippines, 1945: handling prisoners of war; interrogation of former prisoners of war to gather intelligence for use in pursuing war criminals; attitude of Americans to British presence in Far East; state of former prisoners of war; treatment for dysentery contracted. Aspects of period as executive officer at HMS Flycatcher, Royal Naval Air Station Kai Tak, Hong Kong, 1945-1946: reasons for theft from airfield; security methods he adopted; use of Japanese pill boxes to stop sniping from bandits; dealing with rat problem; use of Japanese prisoners of war for construction work; building of armoury; three day Royal Air Force mutiny at RAF Kai Tak, 1946.