Object description
British private and NCO served with the 9th Bn Durham Light Infantry in GB, France, Cyprus, Iraq and North Africa, 1939-1943; NCO served with 18th Bn Durham Light Infantry in North Africa, Italy and North West Europe, 1943-1946
Content description
REEL 1 Background in Consett, GB, 1919-1939: family; education; office work; church. Aspects of period as private with 9th Bn Durham Light Infantry in GB, 5/1939-1/1940: reason for joining Territorial Army; process of joining at Chopwell; uniform; description of drill hall; activities; duties as coy runner; rifle drill; discipline; move to Bn Orderly Room; memories of officers and NCOs; reactions of parents to joining army; details of pay; duties in Orderly Room; story of mobilisation; reaction of parents situation; early duties at South Shields Drill Hall; reaction of civilians to war; move to Shipston-on-Stour; Bn Headquarters; relationship with civilians; accommodation; sleeping arrangements; more on relationship with civilians; leisure activities; food; hygiene; role in manoeuvres; transport; working hours; discipline; details of pay; weapons training; gas drill; inspection from King George VI at Chipping Norton; nature of work; Official Secrets Act; Regimental pride; Church Parades; telephone duties.
REEL 2 Continues: embarkation for France; weather at time; reactions of civilians; journey to Cherbourg. Aspects of period as private with 9th Bn Durham Light Infantry in France, 1/1940-6/1940: food on arrival; time in Cherbourg; journey to Portoville; relationship with civilians; accommodation; sleeping arrangements; food; duties abroad; production of movement information; defences dug in France; attitude of civilians; start of invasion; movement of refugees with Colonel Simpson at Bethune; journey to Dunkirk; opinion of reasons for being sent for evacuation; time on beaches; evacuation; equipment taken on journey. Aspects of period as NCO with 9th Bn Durham Light Infantry in GB, 6/1940-5/1941: reception at Dover; morale; journey to Cannock Chase; accommodation; rifle shortage; leave before move to Lyme Regis; reception at home; reception from civilians; accommodation; promotion to Lance Corporal; memories of Colonel Percy; battalion officers; state of battalion; reinforcements; duties connected with reinforcements; coastal defence duties; leisure activities; move to Sherbourne; accommodation; sleeping arrangements; clerical course on Salisbury Plain; inspection from Duke of Gloucester; move to Tiverton; accommodation; relationship with civilians; activities of officers; training at Tiverton; issue of khaki drill; journey to Gourock. Aspects of journey aboard SS Orduna from Gourock, GB, to Egypt, 5/1941-6/1941: events on voyage; duties on voyage; death of Orderly Captain; time at Durban; story of parade.
REEL 3 Continues: Aspects of period as NCO with 9th Bn Durham Light Infantry in Egypt and Cyprus, 6/1941-10/1941: first impressions of Egypt; journey to Qassassin; problems of theft in camp; camp amenities; journey to Cyprus; Headquarters Coy camp; impressions of Cyprus; duties during Court Martials; code deciphering; visits to Nicosia; relationship with civilians; duties of Bn. Aspects of period as NCO with 9th Bn Durham Light Infantry in Iraq, 10/1941-2/1942: time at Haifa; journey to Iraq; conditions on journey; death of Reg Hetherington; accommodation; food; activities; duties in Orderly Room; officer in Iraq; discipline; journey back through Iraq; secrecy of destination. Aspects of operations as in North Africa as NCO with 9th Bn Durham Light Infantry, 2/1942-1/1943: journey through desert; accommodation; sleeping arrangements; life in the box; work relating to casualties; impressions of desert; latrines; water rations; problems with flies; dealing with heat; food; stand to; duties; anti-aircraft procedures; camouflage; ease of movement in day; move to B Echelon; composition of B Echelon; NAAFI at El Adem; position of B Echelon; duties; promotion to Lance Sergeant; duties on minefield; covering fire in gap; news of retreat.
REEL 4 Continues: reasons for breakout of box; route of breakout; time in Wadi; shot by Spandau; taken prisoner; journey to German Headquarters; treatment of wounds; march towards box; rescue; treatment at Mersa Matruh; reactions to having been prisoner; details of prisoners he was with; move to Alexandria Hospital; journey to Haifa; treatment; opinion of nurses; discipline; help in shrapnel removal; move to Infantry Training Depot at Geneifa; time at Depot; posted back to Bn as Company Quarter Master Sergeant; duties; memories of Major Worral; meal before Battle of Alamein; position of cookhouse; treatment for hepatitis at Qassassin; staff in hospital; discipline; posted back to Infantry Training Depot and 18th Bn. Aspects of period as NCO with 18th Bn Durham Light Infantry in North Africa, 1/1943-10/1943: soldiers at Depot; description of a Brick; role in landing situation; constitution of Brick and Headquarters Coy; specialists with Brick; landing procedures; supply to dumps; advance planning of beach head; store checkers; final arrivals; duties of Brick; supply of rations; duties as Company Quarter Master Sergeant; problems of theft from dumps; swapping rations with Americans; length of Brick operations; duties in docks; administration duties; commando training in Palestine and Syria; amphibious training in Tunisia. Aspects of operations as NCO with 18th Durham Light Infantry in Italy, 10/1943-1/1944: preparations for invasion; situation upon arrival.
REEL 5 Continues: journey to Sicily; arrival at Salerno; set up of camp; rations; scenes on beach; role upon arrival of rations; issue of rations; theft from rations; duties after move to docks; mutiny among 9th Bn troops; more on duties at docks; promotion to Warrant Officer Class II; duties; recall and journey to GB; reactions to return home; landed at Glasgow. Aspects of period as NCO with 18th Bn Durham Light Infantry in GB, 2/1944-6/1944: arrival at Glasgow; encamped at Monkton Hall; reception at home on leave; training at Chichester Barracks; move to tented camp; preparations for D Day. Aspects of operations as NCO in North West Europe, 6/1944-6/1946: duties upon landing; journey across channel; scenes on beach; equipment carried; movement up beach; building of Headquarters; duties; arrival of supplies; story of inspection; casualties; shelling; move to Boulogne; duties; move to Marque; camp; disbandment of 18th Bn; time at transit camp in Holland.
REEL 6 Continues: job at Selection Board at Springe; duties; relationship with civilians; move to York; process of demobilisation; pension; work at Consett Iron Company; details of army pay upon demobolisation.